
Do you think its OK for me to ask that a women make over 150,000 annual salary if some women as for the same.?

by  |  earlier

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I am not serious about looking for a women that makes this salery. I just think that its ridiculous for either a man or a women to ask if a person makes this kind of money. I am looking for a women for companionship I do not wish to be anyones sugar daddy.




  1. Not all women are gold-diggers. Just separate the trash from the good ones.

  2. I think it would be better if you proofread your questions.

  3. i think it is ridiculous that a woman ask that too. If a woman asks me that and i was a guy, that is already evidence that she is not a good woman for me. My uncle ran into one of those and we rightly advised him against her. he didn't listen but later found out for himself and dumped her.

    I wouldn't ask a woman about that for the same reason. Because doing that says, "i don't like you for richer or poorer, I don't like you for who you are. I like you for what you can make" Not the kind of partner anyone who values themselves wants

  4. I don't believe you make 150K a year considering you are illiterate.


  5. If money and salary are THAT important to you and who you date, I think it's fine to ask up front so she knows what kind of s****., elitist, materialistic gold-digger she is dealing with.

    Same advice for women, I absolutely support being truthful about who you are, what your values are, and what you are looking for in a suitable partner.

  6. please re post doesn't make sense. Most women don't get into relationships for the cash benifits if that's what you mean.

  7. Only if the woman your in the relationship with expects it from you.....

  8. It's not OK for anyone to choose a partner based on their salary. They should be financially independent of each other.

  9. yes I think that's fair but set your standards and stick to them.  but you won't find love that way.  What if you made $100K and she only made $40 K and she was the love of your life other than her salary.  It seems silly to me that you would let that go because of money.

  10. Given that 50% of marriages end in divorce which 90% of the time the wife initiates the divorce it is a fair demand.

        As long as you can bring something to the table of atleast 50% equitable.

          But just make your intentions clear as to why you demand the companion your looking for to make a certain amount.

        I know many here will want to burn you alive, but most chicks if anything are emotional abuser's.

            The idea that when in a marriage they could financially destroy there husband gives them a sense of comfort.

           By requesting that she make a certain amount(as long as you can get past the whole she makes more thing that some feel unconfortable with) you will be gaurenteed the fact that she likes you for you.

          Hate to say it but 80% of all women are gold diggers.

    Any who say there not wave a shinny necklace infront of them and see there eyes light up(or the fact alot of divorces happen because guy loses job or finds another that doesnt pay as much).

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