
Do you think its a bad idea to take 5 classes , with my schedule?

by  |  earlier

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Monday art appreciation , English composition

Tuesday fundamental speech , world history

Wednesday english com.

Thurday no class

Friday english com.




  1. No, I think you'll be able to handle another class.

    Perhaps a foreign language?

  2. I not only think you could add a 5th class, but I also think you should add a 5th class.  Your schedule is a cake walk- you don't even have class at all on Thursday!  You should look at taking a math class now- something that could easily fit into your schedule and wouldn't require a big amount of writing.

  3. My art appreciation, English Comp, fund. of speech, and history classes were some of the easiest classes I had. IMO you should take at least 5 maybe 6 classes. Someone mentioned math, I agree. If you want an easy 6th class, consider Spanish. One thing I did was check to see what other students thought of the professors.

  4. I a semester of community college before I transferred to Pepperdine. I took 4 classes and I did just fine. You could probably fit in another class like a guidance course!

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