
Do you think its a bad or a good thing to be a firm believer in karma?

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Do you think its a bad or a good thing to be a firm believer in karma?




  1. Neither way is wrong.  I think karma can be fun sometimes, but you shouldn't take it too seriously.

  2. I think that life becomes a whole lot easier to understand if you believe in karma.  

    Simply, everything we do comes back to us in some way, shape or form.  Knowing this can make us stop and think before we proceed to do something negative.  It can also help you understand why the world is sometimes filled with unfortunate situations.

  3. As long as you're not forcing those beliefs on others, I don't think it matters.

  4. personal belief cannot be a bad thing, this question doesnt really make sense

  5. i don't think it's a bad thing. it's what you believe...

    some may disagree with it but doesn't mean it's a bad thing.

  6. it's good for all to understand that the world has ways of getting even and believing in that is very good for ones health

  7. It is neither. It is what it is. That is the nature of karma.

  8. well its kind of both because what you belive in is what you belive in well every one has to respect your beleifs

  9. not at all I believe everything happens for a reason and that what goes around comes around. Believing in Karma has made me a better person.

  10. Bad thing.

    Delusional belief in supernatural agency is unhealthy.

  11. its a good thing karma comes around for the better and the worse

  12. i think is bad because its all in your head, the power of your mind will make you believe certain things are happening and that is what you believe to be karma following you around. i dont care about this things once you do something why should you be regretting it when before doing things you should be rational on doing them and have a clear conscious mind and not worry of the karma thing.

  13. It's a good thing, I believe that karma exists and it does bite people in the a$$ who deserve it

  14. I think there is such thing as karma. People who end up being bad usually end up getting screwed in the end. As the saying goes, "What comes around, goes around!".

  15. It's a good thing when you apply it to your own behavior rather than someone else's.

    It will help you to think before you act.  It will impact how you treat others.  Until treating others lovingly becomes a part of who you are rather than a choice.

    So it helps you to "keep your side of the street clean".  It doesn't help you if you just go around saying, "Wow, he will have to pay for the way he treated ME".

  16. I'd say yes. It's a good thing to believe the quality of your actions will be repaid in kind.

  17. karma-right on

  18. believe what you need to or want to and be your PERSONAL beliefs!

  19. It's good when you apply it to yourself. I believe it makes you a better person. But to believe in it too strongly can result in disappointment.

  20. I don't thing it is good or bad it's whatever another idea that is in for some people.

  21. I think a personal relationship with your maker (whoever that is) and to pratice two things

    1. Compassion for others

    2. Improve yourself

    If you got this covered the rest is details.

    But to answer your question directly Karma is good and it does seam to be true. The philosophy is a great way to lead your life.

  22. i totally believe in karma, but in some cases you cant.

  23. Whatever floats your boat, but if you believe you better behave.  Thats all.

  24. Karma and I are good friends, she's always helping me out...

    I can't say for sure if I believe strongly in karma, but there is something there- if not karma, another name for it.

  25. Well as the saying goes, what goes around comes around. It's up to you what you believe.

  26. Depends on if you understand karma.

    If you're that firm a believer, then you could be a very vengeful person that thinks it's their job to get revenge when you see fit. Which has nothing to do with karma. That's just being hateful and making your own karma worse.

    What goes around does come around, but normally you don't realize that's what it is.

  27. I think it's a good thing! I believe that what goes around comes around, so why not? :)

  28. Karma, like heaven & h**l, is just another carrot-and-stick system of rewarding good behavior & punishing bad behavior.  Personally, as an atheist I think all such religious systems are childish--literally.  Why can't mature adults just be good for the sake of being good?  Keeping people in line through rewards & punishments is how you teach children, but eventually a person should grow up and mature enough not to need to be bribed or threatened to be a good person.

  29. If you need to believe in something in order to feel good about yourself or to be a good person then go for it but don't force feed it to anyone else.

  30. bad, it's a superstition. most people don't even understand what karma is . . . they think it means, "what comes around, goes around." That is not what it means. But even if you understand what it really means, you shouldn''s stupid.

  31. Neither good nor bad, I believe that doing bad things usually bites you in the a&&

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