
Do you think its a big deal that ur 9 yr old sis said the word a$? *ADOLESCENT*?

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My 9 year old sister said the word a$$hole to my brother and my mom freaked out. what do you think?




  1. Honestly i wouldn't aprove of it. But i know kids under 9 who curse like truck drivers and their parents don't care about it. It doesn't mean that they are a bad kid. It's just a bad habit to get into i think. So i think that your mother shouldn't of punished her but should have had a talk with her and told her not to do it again.

  2. She's way to young to be saying things like that.

  3. nothing wrong with it

  4. there's nothing wrong with it it's just a word I have never met any one or seen any one who has cried over the tern "*** hole" exsept for very little kids, any ways I personally think kids shouldn't sware untill there voice is deeper

  5. it's no big deal, but I would tell her to watch her mouth.

  6. I don't think that is that big of a deal. Mean I think that it isn't really your little's sisters fault, she probably just heard someone say it and thought like she could say it too. That is why you always have to edit what you say around younger kids, they repeat everything they say, not that I am saying you said it around her.

  7. Yea that is pretty young.

    Im 12 and i still dont curse.

    But my brother is 9 and all his friends curse!

  8. Well if you don't make a big deal out of it, then it won't be a big deal. There problem solved. =]

  9. i don't think it's that big of a deal.

  10. YES

  11. not as big of a deal to me cause ive seen 5 or 6 year olds cussing but she should whatch her language

  12. omg it's not tht bad

    i mean sure its not good for anyone to say that but kids will be kids and make mistakes

  13. Umm yeah!

    My little sister said the other word for boob once and we all flipped out.

  14. It's not like she killed someone, she should watch her mouth though.

  15. oh big deal she hears them all the time and will start saying them sooner or later i have a 9 year old sister and i know she'll start soon because she has three older brothers and sisters.

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