
Do you think its a good idea to band homeschooling?

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i'm a homeschooler and i love it i don't want to go to public or privet school i have been a homeschooler all my life and i LOVE IT!!!!!




  1. Curly and the Fries?!

    Where can I buy tickets?!?! I want front row seats!! :)

  2. band? homeschooling. Privet? Sounds like those classes you are taking at the kitchen table are paying off well!

  3. Banning homeschooling is unconstitutional.  That would mean the government is forcing their form of education on every child.  I have already written my elected leaders asking them not to endorse any legislation that would place a ban on homeschooling.  I'm convinced that homeschooling is much better than public school.  My home-schooled nephew got a 4-year tuition scholarship to the University of Michigan, and his younger brother (who was also home-schooled) placed 10th in the nation for a speech he gave in Washington, D.C.  Can't do much better than that, can you?

  4. I think you mean "ban". No, I don't think it is a good idea to ban it, however, I think regulations on the people acting as teachers should be more stringent. I was home schooled for about a year, I hated it but I know a lot of people who really have benefited.

    *Vicky, I don't think most public schools do too good a job of that either.

  5. Home schooling is a legitimate, and often superior, form of education.  Before deciding to home school your own children it is essential to honestly evaluate your ability to instruct and discipline not only your children but yourself.  It is essential that every aspect of education is included; math, science, language, history, geography, social studies, and very important, socialization.  Students must be able to pass the tests that will be required to progress into higher education.  Home schooling is time consuming and requires a great deal of organization and planning.  There are home school organizations which can help with every aspect.

    I am guessing from the physical appearance of the question that you are actually the student, not the teacher.  May I suggest that you spend more time with spelling and punctuation, or at least use the spell check on your computer.  Your writing does not reflect well on your teacher.

  6. No, it's not a good idea, and it won't happen.

    Some kids learn well in a classroom, while others learn well in a homeschool environment.  Kids and family situations are not all the same, that's why we have different options.  Each family needs to be able to determine the best educational environment for their child, whether it's a school or a form of homeschooling.

    Edit - ysn, can I be in the band too?  Gotta say I'm pulling for Curly and the Fries as well ;)

  7. yes it is an excellent idea, i hate homeschool.

  8. If homeschooling doesn't teach you how to spell or punctuate properly (which is intimated by your question) then maybe, yes!

  9. Now that you have gotten some serious answers...

    I think a homeschool band would be great!

    But, first a name? What name?

    Denim Jumper & The Goat Herders?

    The Homeschoolers Gruff?

    Fruit Cakes and the Sunshine Band?

    Curly & the Fries?

    Glurpy Pi?

    The Great UnSocialized?

    Now some songs...

    We don't need no so-cialization...

    Report me, do. You know I'll report you.

    The end of school as we know it (and I feel fine).

    Here come the [California] judge.

    Saturday Night Spring Fever.

    I do hope you know I am just joking.

  10. NO, I don't think homeschooling should be banned. I of course went to public school, but that was almost 20 years and they have changed for the worse. My kids started out in public school, that is why i know about the schools here in Virginia. My kids now go to private christian school and it is wonderful, I am not able to teach my kids at home. I have a friend that has just taken her 12 year 6th grade student out of public middle school. She made the honor roll and if it wasn't for the violence in the school she may have stayed. regardless she is in the 6th grade and was on a 4th grade math level and not to mention the other subjects. she is actually doing very well at home and it has helped her and her mother out loads. I commend anyone who home schools. Good Luck and I also know people who have been home schooled and gone onto some of the hardest colleges to get into. so keep up the good work and best of luck to you

  11. Do you mean ban? or to be banned?

    In Oklahoma, it's constitutionally protected, so I think we're okay. :-)

  12. LOL.

    Banding it what you do to goats to neuter them.

    Please don't band homeschooling!

    Aren't typos annoying? I do that sort of thing all the time. Don't let anyone rattle you over it. We get public schooled kids on here all the time who can barely communicate in writing. That does not mean public schooling should be banned, does it?

    To answer the question: no. There is no reason to ban any educational option, especially one that works so well for so many.

    I’m glad to hear you enjoy the way you are schooled. We love homeschooling in our home too.

    YSN: I totally get to be a background singer with Curly and the Fries! The Unsocialized sounds like a metal band for sure. I'm not hardcore enough for that. Plus I got really bad whip lash from head banging back in the day. No more mosh pits for me!

  13. No way, I love home schooling!

  14. It is interesting that when you wrote you other questions that seemed to indicate you might actually be in traditional school rather than homeschool, and when you answered your other questions....your spelling was actually quite good.   Could it be you are playing a little game?

    No homeschooling should not be banned. Children learn in many different ways and if this country is truly committed to maximizing the potential of each student, then it would logically be committed to providing as many options as possible.  Only by providing options can we really "leave no child behind."

  15. To each there own.. sometimes I think Children learn more at home or out in the real world then sitting in the class room

    but I also think it's important to socialize...

    My son goes to a private school

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