
Do you think its a good thing to see your boyfriend everyday??

by  |  earlier

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it cant be healthy right..?




  1. it wouldn't hurt but it also depends wat type he is

  2. NOT healthy.  a girl needs to have her own life.  everyday is 5 days a week too many.

  3. Personally No. Lol i think we need our own time and our own space.

    Also chill-out days, otherwise you have to get ready everyday, and i dont mean just getting dressed i mean - make up, hair, stressing over what to wear.

    I cant put up witht hat every day O.o Lol

  4. Well it depends on the couple... if they get along great together why not, some people might not see eachother every day but they talk... etc. I think that you should see eachother when ever you want

  5. noooooooooooooo, I'm a guy, we want to see our girl ever day. but its never healthy.

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