
Do you think its a nice name?

by Guest34123  |  earlier

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  1. lise... as in lice? no, i don't personally.  

  2. Lucy? or may be angela

  3. Love Marie dont like Lise!! Sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. It's a nice name, not my taste, but a nice name.

    How about Marie-Elise?

  5. .I know someone with  this name & I like it! But hers is spelt

    Marie-lyse( she pronounces it mara-leese).Why not try that spelling instead?

  6. It's a fine name BUT she'd be correcting people on pronunciation her entire life.  Also, as a child she would be teased for "lice" even if it's not pronounced as such.

  7. What about Annalise instead? I was going to name my last baby that but it was a boy. I actually like Annalise Maria a lot and that will probably be the next baby's name, if it's a girl. Good luck.

  8. no, it doesn't flow nicely

  9. But honey, the kids will say lice.  Be careful.  Think about what your child will have to endure

  10. Doesn't sound like an English name.  

  11. Very unique. If you like it, then I say go for it.

  12. Its a very pretty name, in its own right, but it reminds me of Lisa-Marie(Elvis Presley's daughter).

  13. not for a baby but maybe a puppy lol

  14. It's nice. I like Mary-Lise too. I think it's really cute.  

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