
Do you think its all right for a 10 year old to wear contacts?

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I'm ten but my B-day is in Oct. and do you think i'm to young to wear contacts?




  1. I got mine in 6th grade when I was 12 and ive been happy ever since. your doctor will let you try them out when you go for the examination and see how you like it.

  2. Well, are you REALLY responsible and ready for it? I got contacts when I was 15 and it took me forever to learn how to put them in quickly tearing a bunch of them along the way. So just make sure that you are completely certain you are ready. Otherwise, I don't see a problem.

  3. If you ARE ready and you can take care of them its fine. But if you are still Immiture and all DONT GET THEM

  4. SURE...what ever the eye doctor says...make sure to keep them clean and don't loose them. Just be responsible!

  5. As long as your doctor perscribes them, you take care of them properly, and you don't wear them too much (switch with glasses sometimes to let your eyes rest), I don't see why not. At 10, I wore glasses, because at that age I just didn't want to have to deal with contacts, but if you can handle the responsibility of them, then it's fine. =)

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