
Do you think its better to live in india or england?

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i mean i am in england.

boring life.




  1. That means India is the best . See Jassy if you are bored staying in England what about people who stay in Sri Lanka! My suggestion is come back no use staying .... And India is better.................

  2. If your mother land is england then its better for you to live in england itself.

  3. In India, you will be trouble for everything.

  4. india..becouse so many reasones.....there is so many beautiful place in india....that can only see in india....

  5. India is most wonderful Nation

    life rocks here

    people are not bloody damm selfish

  6. Enjoy ur life then U will be satisfy.

  7. east or west, India is the best ( for Indians )

  8. England of course

    India smells like p**p

    and its disgusting

  9. what the ****?dyu think its any better here?(im in india)its freakin borin in here!i hate this place wish i were in ur place !man my life really sucks!damned life!seriously!:(

  10. Indiana(USA) is far better than the two ya mentioned.

  11. both r nice.


  13. I've been to england ,it's nice there but because I was only there for a short time that's why I can say it's nice, London is very crowded and busy and there's lots of things to go and see, much cleaner AND greener in the countryside...  I've never been to India only stop over for a few hours and I can tell you I can still smell that horendous smell in the air I bow to avoid to stop over there again...

    I think it is really depends on the lifestyle of every individual, one will get bored in any country they live in but it is really depends on how you make your life interesting, it is you the making of your life.....

  14. it  is  better  to  live  in  india  if  you   are  an  indian   or  it  is  waste  to  live  in  india  if  you  are   not  an  indian

  15. If u are an Indian then India will be better! After all, ur motherland always remains ur motherland, no other nation can take it's place! But England is also not bad, i mean every nation has demerits and merits....No nation is 100% perfect!

  16. Terrible O

    Watch your mouth babe....I am not gonna warn you again

    @ above

    Dont need to say anything to you man...your brain is in your knees or it isn't there too.

  17. I've never been to India or England so I can't say.

  18. In Pakistan.. where i live

  19. India - if u get bored, look out of the window and u'll always find something interesting happening!!

  20. why India? any other options... go to the USA, particularly somewhere in California

  21. croatia

  22. India is best for living

  23. I like to live in India

  24. Come on over INDIA....

    such an awesome place.........something interesting is going every chance of getting bored........

  25. Motherland is the best whether it is England or India

  26. It is better to live in India if you are an Indian. England is no good unless you are British and have no other place to go to. I was in London last year and know how backward London is.Having said that I would add that if you want to watch & talk cricket all your life UK is best.

  27. england

  28. both are great nations, England and India, it depends upon the priorities of people, i have been to england and India both and i find both the places very interesting, i answered your Q however this Q is not pertinent to cricket!

    best regards!

    god bless!

  29. try USA, or Philippines

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