
Do you think its cool or cruel to invent names for your children?

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Do you think its cool or cruel to invent names for your children?




  1. If it's a name that's not completely ridiculous and gonna get them made fun of for the rest of their life, I think it's totally cool. Very unique.

  2. It all depends on the name. But if you're going to name your kid Pilot Inspektor, it's just plain cruel.

  3. There's nothing wrong with inventing a name for your child.  What's cruel is if the name can't be spelled or pronounced by anyone, or if it has a ridiculous meaning.  

  4. I don't think it's cruel but personally I'd prefer to give my child a name that they won't have to repeat and spell to people for the rest of their lives. :)

  5. No its your wish how  & what u want to name ur child

  6. I think its ok

    but i would rather give my kids names with  great meanings

    cause your name reflects you

    Instead of a made up name which hardly has a meaning

    but again being creative in naming is cute!

  7. It depends on what the name is. But as long as t isn't too crazy, why not?

  8. When I was younger I hated having the name "Nakesha". It's definately weird and everyone pronounces it Na-keeeesh-a and its Na-k-esh-a. Point of story it annoyed me as a kid and always having to spell it, but now it just makes me different.. I've never met another! and by the way, I'm glad I can't find my name on the cups in Disneyland, I don't have to have a "generic" name.

  9. no its okay

  10. If it's a name i think is horrible it's cruel.

    If it's a name i like i thinks its kind!

    But this all boils down to personal opinion! What one likes, another doesn't I also think it's cruel to call your kids hortensia, morgan or petunia, but hey, other people think they're being really kind!

  11. I think it's cruel to name children something that they constantly have to spell or pronounce. Makes me say "What was his/her mother thinking?!?"

    I believe if you can't find it on a coffee cup at Disneyland, it's too darned weird!!

  12. It depends on what the name is. Like for our daughter we are going to name her Mirabelle, and people thought it was a made up name but it actually is a french name meaning of incredible beauty.  

  13. Oh so very cruel not to mention tacky.

  14. no b/c I like unique names

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