
Do you think its discouraging for your coach to tell your basketball team that u suck?

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At my basketball practice, my team was kinda goofing off but we were still practicing and my coach goes "see this is why you guys suck". ino my team isn't the best but it still kinda made us feel like c**p.




  1. well you can interpret it 2 ways. 1, you can let him get to you and put you down and make you feel bad or 2, you can use it as motivation to prove him wrong. psychology has a big part in sports since in sports you have to be mentally tough to take criticism.  

  2. not really. well to my point of view, i would be motivated to prove him wrong. thatsthe best way to get back at him.

  3. *yeah, i think there is a way of motavation, but "suck" is a lil too harsh to use for a girls bball team

  4. Be serious about the training, and your coach won't have said those words.

    "ino my team isn't the best"

    then improve, train harder ! you will get the respect

  5. Harsh.  Maybe he sees you guys have alot of potential and he was just trying to get you fired up  

  6. It depends on how he said it. If it was in a casual way, don't worry about it. He was probably just a little agitated. But if he was yelling and ranting about it, then yes it is discouraging. Even if he considers it "tough love", yelling wont make you guys better.

  7. No I think  he is just trying to motivate your team to prove him or her wrong

  8. coach said that to get you guys to knock it off. probably didn't mean it so don't get down on yourself! so if the coach did mean it then show him/her wrong and play your hardest and kick some butt! Good Luck!

  9. Well, I think no matter how bad ( or good ) your team is the coach should never say the team sucks. I am not sure how old you are, but at any level

    I feel that was very inappropriate. I only hope he knows that it reflects back on him if you do suck. Maybe he isnt doing something right?

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