
Do you think its disgusting that in the debate on Knife crime in parliament only 20 MPs turned up.?

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and they want a pay rise as well......what a waste they are.




  1. This is not disgusting it's terrible, but I suppose we should understand they are so busy employing their relatives, having their kitchens updated and second homes decorated, not forgetting all the other fiddles like having to clean two cars(Jags), more likely paying somebody and claiming for it.  Why become involved in something the nation is so concerned about.  Come to think of it; we have had such poor Government for so many years, what are they paid for.

    Oh sorry, arranging for OAP's to go swimming for nothing when they are too old for it.

  2. I think Politics as whole is disgusting these days.

  3. no. Knife crime only effects a vast minority of areas.

  4. Knife crime will only be tackled when an MP becomes the victim of one, until then they simply do not care.

  5. It's disgusting that only 20 MPs show up for any debate.

  6. I would not say a waste, but they did ought to be made to be there at the very least.  It is disgusting, something that important that is having such an effect on our country at the moment is given so little attention by those in power.

    People have little faith in the system as it is, what with expenses rows, infighting and the likes you'd think they'd at least try to do the right thing occasionally.

    Someone has to do the job, the country wont work without it despite what people naively believe, but they should reach a certain standard and also be made to stand up and be counted on important issues.

  7. Wow as many as that!

  8. The rest were to busy fiddling there expense accounts!!!

  9. no it's disgusting that Parliament is debating such .

  10. actually it was SIXTEEN !! which shows total contempt for what ordinary people have to suffer regarding knife morons.

  11. yeah, they should be forced to go at knife piont to a cash machine and pay a £200 fine, then they'll see what the rest of us have to put up with.

  12. do you actually!!...seriously!! think that MPs give a flying toss about crime? .....the criminal justice system is a private business. the tax payer is the finnancier, it is also the biggest employer of people in Britain....criminals are the valued customer. take away crime, and in truth!....the social system would probably collapse under the burdon of millions of unemployed people. of course MPs do not want an end to crime......crime is our! problem. crime very rarely happens to the rich and successful.

  13. Yes but it doesn't surprise me, they probably see no benefit to themselves from participating - what do they care if your kids get stabbed to death?

    Its nothing to them as long as they still get their six-figure salary, their expenses paid and their luxurious "second Home" with a £20,000 housng expenses allowance . . .

    Pigs, traitors and thieves the lot of them.

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