
Do you think its fair?

by Guest58693  |  earlier

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for the govt to bail out the housing market ?i think if you loan money on a home you need to keep it real and not take advantage of the people with poor credit and try and bleed them . i say let the morgage companies learn a lesson you cant take advantage and then cry about it when you fall on your butt




  1. I think on one hand that a lot of people both borrowers and lenders need to fall on their butts to learn a valuable lesson. However, some bailouts are necessary because we don't want an economic collapse because of this.  The housing market/loan crisis dealt the entire economy a hefty blow on top of the gas/energy issue and we don't all want to go under as a result of this.

  2. If the mortgage companies fail the American financial system will collapse. Then you will be paying 50$ a gallon for gas. Our money will be worth nothing but the papers value. They are to big to fail. It cannot occur. Thats why EVEN BUSH is backing this now.
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