
Do you think its fair that im 13 and i still have to go to bed at 10:00? i think it could be 11...?

by  |  earlier

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Oh btw "bean" im not like that....




  1. u could go bed at anytime u want, but, as u r a teenager, u need sleeping 2 get health enough, and to grow better...

    that's why your parents send u bed at that time...

    be patient, u r gonna be older & u'll sleep at anytime u want, but everything at its time!

  2. dude when I was 13 many many many years ago I had to go to bed at 9:00 so be happy.

  3. NO u kno y can they stay up but we cant i dont think itz fair itz jus not kool

  4. wtf, im 3 yrs old i and i dont sleep, gagagagagaga

  5. Yes, my son is 13 and has to go to bed at 10:00 too.  You are at a very important stage of your life and your body needs more sleep now than ever before.  If you have a 10:00 bed time for week ends maybe you can get your folks to compromise and extend that.  My son is a night owl and I let him stay up late on the weekends.  I usually let him stay up till  about 1 or 2 am on non-school nights only.

  6. you will have to put that case before your parents ,not the American Public.

  7. What!?! When I was 13 I had to go to bed at nine (Now I'm 14 and I have to be in bed by 9:30. I mean sometimes I stay up later, like heaps later but most of the time I have to be in bed by 9:30. So consider yourself lucky!)

    Anyway, just because you have to go to bed at ten doesn't mean you have to be asleep by then. Just stay in your bedroom. You could read or whatever!!!

    Ten is fine though!!!

  8. no because if you're on here whining about it........, then you deserve it! I can see you standing there throwing a fit and screaming "THIS ISN'T FAIR YOU'RE RUINING MY LIFE!!" and storming off. grow up if you want to stay up later. otherwise, enjoy 10 pm.

  9. Just think just because you have to go to bed at 10.00 doesn't mean you have to sleep. Read a good book and brush up on your studies. It will help you in the long run and it will probably help you get a better nights sleep. Perhaps when you are 14 you may get to stay up until 11, 15 until 12 and then 16 well you can tell them do go take a hike if you wish but I wouldn't recommend it.

  10. im 13 and i get to go to bed when im done w/ my homework. i have lots and its usually 11:00 or later before im done :( sometimes i dont have a lot of homework and then i get to stay up till 11:00 anyway. on fridays and saturdays i can stay up as late as i want. :)

  11. thats very late i'm 13 and have to go to bed at 8.30:) teenagers need lots of sleep! be happy with 10:]

  12. You have to go to bed when you need to sleep,

  13. I'm 15 and go to bed at 9:00pm.

  14. If you are attending school and doing a reasonable amount of homework that is way too late to be staying up if you want to be an adequate student.

  15. when my kid turns 13, he will be going to bed at nine and will be allowed to read for an hour if he can not sleep

  16. Of  course....that is later than a lot of kids go. You need your sleep in order to function well at school....and school starts early in most places. Trust and honor your parents' decisions about such things.

    Don't rebel and whine about their discipline over will thank them for it later, believe me.

  17. I think it's very fair. You're 13 and need rest; you're just to young to realize it. 9:00 would be an even better time.

    Look at it this 5 years you can pick your own bed time and be as sleep deprived as you want.

  18. yes, you can't argue against the benefits of the recommended 9-10 hours of sleep nightly for teenagers--it's not always what's the most fun--but it's the truth

  19. Parents, like me, want their kids to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night.  Can you demonstrate to your parents how you are going to be able to get all your homework done, go to bed at 11 P.M. and still get 8 hours of good sleep time before waking up for school?

    If you can, then have a talk with your parents.  Remember to stay cool and not throw any tantrums if they disagree.  You want them to see you as a maturing young lady, not as a little girl.

    It's tough being your age because you want more responsibilities in your life at the same time that your parents still want to protect you like a young child.  But, it's also just as tough being a parent of a teenager.  They are afraid to give up too much control because they want to protect you.

    When you demonstrate to  your parents that you can act responsibly and "do the right things", they will loosen up a bit on their control and give you more liberties.  It doesn't happen overnight though: give it some time.

  20. im 13 and i just go to bed when i get tired

    my mom dosnt really care

    i think you should try to convince your parents to let you stay up till just 10:30 its better than 10 but then again i wish i didnt stay up so late cuz im usually tired so maby its a good thing for you but if you really want to stay up later just ask your parents

  21. Don't worry, once you get to high school, you'll wish you were in bed by 10...

  22. What I think does not really matter.  You should do as you are required.  If your grades are good, and you don't cause much problems, ask if you can start staying up to 11:00 when you become 14.  That would be a good way to approach it.

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