
Do you think its fair that sports players...?

by  |  earlier

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get paid millions and millions of dollars to swing a bat, make a basket, score a goal, or win a golf tournament and firefighters risk their LIVES running into burning buildings to try and save life and property? i don't care if sports teams are owned by private companies. i want to know if this is fair for the REAL heroes out there. Shouldn't they be the ones getting paid more because they put their life on the line?




  1. I love Baseball too, but think it's absolutely ridiculous that players make that kind of money. It takes all the honor away from the game.

  2. What in life is fair, when we are talking money?

    You can have two identical has a celebrity name/ brand and costs 5-10 times more just for the name.

    I realize that sports is short term and that they have a noteable talent, but it's not like they can't work after they've out-grown their sport. Many of them become commentators or coaches, so it's really not necessary for them to make several lifetimes earnings. Plus many of them make commercials, do signings and lots of other promos to make extra bucks.

    The same goes for the general population of workers, would companies be making their big bucks if they didn't have people willing to do the labor? White collar workers make the bucks off the blue collars sweat.

  3. ya i dont think its very fair

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