
Do you think its fair the Iraqis cant go and compete in the Olympics?

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  1. yes,,they should not come to the Olympics..the Iraqis are at war.mary.c.

  2. It saved them from terrorists attack.

    The main terrorists in China is ETIM which is a branch of al Qaeda.

    Most newspapers had reported the declaration by ETIM in destroying the game. That speaker in internet would be a woman with a beautiful face. You can see through her eyes.

  3. Yeah. Have they seriously ever benefited the world in any way? Saudi Arabia is where all of the oil comes from.

  4. It doesn't matter, they wouldn't have won anything anyway.

  5. it is not fair

  6. When your country is being destroyed by foreign troops the last thing you want to do is go to an Olympic party.

  7. Isn't this just too much!! First their country is invaded and 100,000+ are killed. Now they can't participate in the Olympics.

    I am planning to boycott the games over this outrage and urge other like minded people to do the same.

  8. I think it's more of a matter of the fact that their country is recovering from a serious war not that they're not allowed to compete because they're from Iraq.

  9. Yeah its Ok.

    Only criminal countries,that invent a false pretext to invade another sovereign state,  should be excluded from the Olympics - eg Amerika.

    It is not fair that Yanks are allowed to compete in the 2008 Olympics.

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