
Do you think its fair to get grounded for smoking?

by  |  earlier

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i took one of my grammas cigaretes




  1. yes because once your hooked it's a habit that

    can kill you.BUT i know you was just curious and

    wanted to try's something most young kids try.i smoked for 50 years and now i only have one lunge.TAKE the grounding and no that people love you that's why you got grounding.

  2. Totally fair, your parents are just trying to prevent you from making a bad life long decision. I started smoking because my dad and sis did and I wanted to be cool I guess. Well the first time I was caught I got a spanking -- with a big leather belt. Call yourself lucky these days kids.

    But I didn't learn and grew up to be a smoker and now I've finally quit but it is still a daily battle to not go buy a pack for $6 and give in!

    And seriously -- how grounded are you? Playing on the computer eh! ;)

  3. no its not fair it happened to me and they confiscated my packet of smokes

  4. Yea it's fair little guy,your lucky she didn't make you smoke a whole box just to teach you a lesson.

  5. Yes !! because you need to get the message that it's bad for your health.

  6. Yep.  You should also be punished for stealing from your grandmother.

  7. No, you should of gotten a spanking.

  8. Yes

  9. YES! If I was your parent, not only would I have grounded you, I may have even told the school and had you in detention at lunch as well as cutting you off from the outside world other than school. That includes ALL electronic devices and friends who tried to come over. If you snuck out or tried to use your phone or computer, I would double the time you were grounded. Smoking is incredibly stupid and has so many more down sides than upsides. It doesn't even get you high, so I don't understand why teenagers smoke in the first place.

  10. that depends, what were you smoking??

  11. Absolutely

  12. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  13. Absolutely!! you're lucky that's all you got for smoking!

  14. Yes .. and if you just got a grounding .. your really lucky!!

  15. underage? YEAH, its fair to get smacked up side the head as well...

  16. yes, your parents are just trying to help you. smoking is bad for you.

  17. Yup. I got grounded for it.

  18. My parents were smokers when they discovered I was smoking and at the time it seemed totally cool to me that the only thing ever said to me was that if I was going to smoke, then I was not to do it behind their backs.

    Well, let me tell you what! I have three children of my own now and if I ever catch one of them smoking, they are going to regret the day they were born (a figure of speech)! Smoking is the worst thing I have ever done in my life and regret it each and every day.

    Be smart! It's not cool. It stinks. Even though, you as a smoker, may not smell the smoke, you REALLY STINK to others. It's just plain stupid.

  19. Yes, not only is it horribly unhealthy, but it is ILLEGAL for you to be smoking if you are a minor! You deserve to be grounded for breaking the law!

  20. Yes.

  21. Yes first of all because smoking is bad for you.

    Second because you took what didnt belong to you.

    Third - you stole from your Grandma !!!

  22. YES--so bad for u--and it is deceitful behavior to take something that isn't yours without asking anyway.  don't start smoking whatever u do--it will kill u in the end in some way, shape, or form.  also, it affects others around u  by "secondhand" smoke--don't hurt the ones u care about!!!

  23. yes i wish my parent did something like that when i started smoking because know i cant give up 25yrs later. so don't start it not good for might think its cool to smoke with your mates but its not at all.

  24. yes they have to do something to get it in your head that is wrong before  you make it a habit not trying to be rude but you also stold from your grandma so yes you should be grounded.please don't do it again its a bad habit to try to quite

  25. yes, its not okay!

  26. yes. you obviously didn't get grounded to badly your still using the computer and the internet. count yourself lucky i would have made you chain smoke a whole packet. don't think you would have smoked after that.

  27. yup. when i caught my teenage brother smoking i slapped hi in the face before turning him into our parents.

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