
Do you think its fear or hate?

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If someone hates a race they are called a racist, but if someone hates g**s why are they called a homophobe? Why arent they called something like a gayist? Phobia is a fear of something and I know people who hate g*y people but are not afraid of them so why s it a phobia?




  1. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary


    1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    2 : racial prejudice or discrimination


    1: irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals

    Now since homosexuality used to be defined by the DSM-IV as an actually disease and racism is usually expressed by social groups.  Racism gets of as being a state of mind like hating broccoli. Personally I think it's because one has been accepted longer than the other, because at one time racism and homophobia fell under the same umbrella of bigotry.

  2. Its kind of like religion, it makes people feel better when they feel accepted. It seems to be a bandwagon affect. So I guess its a combo of fear and hate. I am from Texas and I grew up in a small town, and I refuse to conform the the beliefs of their small minds.

  3. Because racism is also based on superiority.

    People who hate homosexuals don't think they are above them,

    they just think it's immoral or whatever.  It is fear.

    No one can hate someone they don't know.  If they think they do - they should really study the difference between hate and fear.

    I don't understand handicapped people, therefore I fear them.

    I do not think of myself as better - but I do not like being around them.

    Same concept.  I am not a handicapped-ist.  I have a fear of them.

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