
Do you think its good for kids to be modest?

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  1. YES.  

    Kids need to learn to dress a little more conservative (modestly). They don't need to look like little s*x objects walking around because it sends the wrong message to people that see them dressed inappropriately.  

    There are alot of issues with clothing and children's dress- for both girls and boys.  As the mom of a little boy it drives me up the wall clothes shopping and most of what I see is stuff with skater junk all over it, dinosaurs or trucks and worse, wife beater type shirts.  UGH. To me it sends the image of "trash" which is NOT something I want my child to be looked at as.  

    Little girls clothing is no better with skirts so short they show their underwear lines practically or tube tops for little girls and the like. It looks trashy and sends the image of "future prostitute" and not "little girl".  

    People may not verbalize it when they see it, but believe me, people are thinking it.  It's not just with kids clothing either. It's the same with adult clothing that is so low cut or tight or too short or something that makes it look tacky... kind of like 300 pound women crammed into spandex.... ugh!

  2. definitely, it helps build character; on the other hand, its weird to be overly modest (both in the way you dress and the way you act)

  3. yes. especially in clothing, girls that are as young as 4 are wearing bikinis that is not appropriate nor making girls wear low cut shirts, tight shirts and immodest pants. its not appropriate, these girls should not be revealing that much skin so young. its gonna s***w 'em up, its gonna make them think that the only way to be beautiful is to dress like a w***e.  

  4. Absolutely. I have 2 girls. I was once a teen and pre-teen and i know exactly how it feels to want to wear the latest styles and fashions. i completely get that. HOWEVER, (lol you knew this was coming), I encourage my kids to dress fashionable but still modest. A fitted tee and belly tee are two different things. I just can't let them look like hookers. A mini skirt and short skirt that barely covers your bum is two different things. I want my kids to feel confident- but they can accomplish that without looking tacky and trashy.  

  5. Um yes. Modest means polite.. I wouldn't want my kids (when I grow up and have em) to be s***s.

  6. I have always been modest (I am now 20), and have frequently been told how humble I am.


    Being humble was so ingrained in me that saying anything positive about myself fills me with guilt & shame. I have slowly been learning to overcome my insecurities & low self esteem.

    As annoying as cocky people are, at least they love themselves & are happy. While most people aren't annoyed at humble people, they often think low of themselves & are not as happy. Don't you want your kids to be happy?

    About clothing. I feel like younger girls are wearing less & less because they think it is 'cool.' Instead of telling her to not dress like that, ask her questions about how others might perceive her. Point out girls in magazines who are scantily dressed & ask how she judges them.

  7. More details please. 'Modest' can cover quite a bit.

  8. Of course, because children who learn how to act modest from childhood will most likely grow up to be modest adults.Children who don't learn this can become really full of themselves and really arogant adults.

    And modest in terms of dressing..young girls especially need to be taught the art of modesty so they can grow up respecting their bodies and themsleves, that way others can appriciate them for then wholeselves and not just their bodies. Modestly dressed girls are looked at with more respect.

  9. yes, modesty is a way to respect yourself not flaunt yourself around like a material object

    Modesty is also a way to allow others to see you, not the layers most people put on to cover themselves.

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