
Do you think its great news that Mayor Boris Johnson is going to Ban Alcohol on the whole London transport sys

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Trains, Buses, underground, light railway

I think its a good idea




  1. Its a good idea but whos going to enforce it, ever seen a policeman down there ? The LU staff are useless at the best of times.

  2. It has always been illegal to be "under the influence" on the railways it just needs to be enforced more often

  3. i didnt realise it was legal  lol

  4. A good idea - would be better if he stopped eating and drinking on the street, which I consider bad manners anyway.

    And smoking should be stopped within a radius of 50 metres of office doors - train stations etc etc.  I think I breath more passive smoke now walking along the sidewalk than ever before

  5. Banning alcohol on public transport can only be a good idea.

  6. To be honest I think it is a total waste of time and is going to cause more problems then it will ever  resolve.

    Who will enforce it ? LU staff are already under pressure and can not be expected to confront drunken yobs, the police will not have the resources neither will they prioritise it.

    Does Barmy Boris expect the public to police this, its all very well introducing grand gestures but he needs to be realistic and plan for there enforcement.

    All that said the no smoking ban on LT seems to work well, so who knows.

  7. I thought it was already illegal to drink on public transport.. guess not. Yeah I think its a good idea.. although I have to say its hardly one of London's major problems

  8. I think it's a brilliant idea and I hope that London's commuters support it by challenging drinkers on public transport.  It shouldn't just be down to the police and the transport workers - it's our system!!

  9. I think its disgusting it was legal - that and eating - its totally gross and inappropriate to be consuming snacks and alcohol on the tube.  I have seen someone tucking into a takeaway on the tube before now.

  10. I don't disagree with the sentiment, but who will enforce it? I imagine next Boris will be calling for members of the public to step in if they see someone consuming alcohol on public transport - after all it was only a few months ago he called for more have-a-go heroes from the public. I don't know about you but I certainly wouldn't like to confront a half-cut hoodie on the tube or anywhere else.

  11. In theory it's a good idea but there are not enough BTP officers to enforce it. The railway staff already get enough verbal and physical abuse during their normal duties without having to challenge drunken yobs added to their job description! Also what about all these places that sell alcohol at train stations: M&S, Threshers etc, sure they do not help. And what about if I have a four pack of lager and intend to take it home, will I be able to carry it on the tube?

    I hope that in future Boris will think a bit more deeply about his policies and how to implement them instead of just improvising!

  12. Excellent, he should also ban walking down the street drinking beer too. It looks vile and i have no respect for anyone doing it.

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