
Do you think its important that husbands treat their wives like their daughters too? Maybe 20% of the time?

by  |  earlier

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I know I need my husband to treat me as a wife sometimes and as a daughter other times or maybe a mix between the two. For example, my husband is like my male authority figure now and I like it when he looks at me and says "good girl" and smiles and when I can come sit on his lap in a non romantic way and he can hold me and run his fingers through my hair and tell me he loves me. I feel as women we want to feel protected by our husbands and my husband has similar qualities to my real dad but some differences. Also, its cutewhen my husband talks to me like I am a little girl and tells me to be good and yes if I act up I get punished but it feels like the natural law to me. What do you think?




  1. Well that sounds great to me. I would love that.

    but the problem is- it would be way to erotic. I would have an erection all the time- and that might disrupt your little fantasy.

  2. I agree that is creepy.

  3. I seriously hope you're joking, because if you're not, you have MAJOR daddy issues that need to be discussed in a few year's worth of intense therapy.

    I think it's important that husbands DON'T treat their wives like their daughters.  

  4. each his own

  5. I think you and your husband are both FREAKS!

  6. I think you need a shrink not a father figure.

  7. yuck

    actually yuck squared

    i am a women who wants to be treated as a woman.  I treat my man like a man not my daddy.  Also, i really enjoy my backbone, time to find yours dear...

  8. did you not have a good relationship with your father?

  9. I agree that it's nice to be treated like daddy's little girl sometimes. I mean, women have so many responsibilities with job and children and homemaking, sometimes it's nice to relax and feel protected and loved like a girl. And yes, when I have been naughty my husband can be as strict as my mom was. Ouch!

  10. Do what? This really sounds weird. What do you want? A husband should treat his wife like his wife. what do you need? for him to give you a lollipop?

    You can do all the nonsexual things like you said but that's still husband/wife type stuff.

    I don't know where you're coming from.

  11. It doesn't sound to me like he's treating you like his daughter, but like his dog. Give your head a shake and start acting like a self respecting woman not a lap dog for your macho man husband.

  12. Yes Mommy Dearest.  "Now get me some fuukin cake!"  

  13. ewww that's creepy and incestual  

  14. when you sit on his lap, call him daddy and see his reaction.

  15. It seems that all the above women who have answered you have really skipped the phase of girlhood in their upbringing and they talk as if they were born as mature women !

    There r imprints in our minds of the path we have travelled, and that extends even to a serires of births !

    Every woman hides a girl in her subconscious mind but her pride tells her that now she is a woman, she must not act or live like a girl ! That ego suppresses and suffocates the girl within. Nothing wrong if u feel like a girl sitting on his lap or he soothes u like a baby.

    There r seeds of all relationships within us but some are manifest in some cases and ignorant people think it as something not normal.

    Take it from me that u and ur husband r quite normal, it is only another facet of a diamond that is mostly hidden and not seen, or rarher, what most people fail to see.


       The society that acknowledged "Sugar daddy" should not refute this.

  16. you have daddy issues......role playing is good in bed...not real life......I would be worried if I wanted the man I sleep with to be like my dad.......

  17. That is sick.  I am a woman.  I don't want any man, including my own father treating me like their 'daughter' as I am an adult.

  18. I think you have a crush on your dad.....the things your husband is doing is treating you like a wife, and you are turning into some sick thing, thinking he is picturing you as a need to seek professional help.

  19. Kind of creepy....

    You should seek some counseling. A husband should not be like a father.

  20. it sounds like you never had a real father figure growing up and you are looking for one now.

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