
Do you think its ok...

by  |  earlier

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Do you think its ok (and socially acceptable) for teenagers to have s*x, if they truly trust the one they are with, are ready, and are responsible about it?

In my opinion, i say its ok.




  1. yep ! s*x is great

    and Cor is an idiot - of course poeple can have s*x at any age even if they dont want a kid

  2. who cares

  3. Teenagers?  How old?  If they are not legally an adult - 18 years old - then no.  They cannot support a child, and so they are not responsible OR ready.  They cannot get a good job if they are not 18, they will be on welfare with that child, and their parents will probably end up taking care of the baby.

    I don't care how much you trust the one you are with.  That doesn't mean they won't break your heart, or they will be there if you get pregnant.

  4. People are so negative in this world !!!! Having s*x doesn't mean you are GOING to have an STD or get Pregnant or anything like that ... All you have to do is protect yourself and know what your doing... If the person feels like her and her partner are ready to do it why not ??? Just make sure you use the right protection not to get an STD or get pregnant and thats it !!!! I also agree with you ... It is ok for teenagers to have s*x ....

  5. You shouldn't have s*x till you get married.

  6. Nope because most teens don't act responsible enough to raise a kid!

    There is so much time for people to be an adult, why do you want to stop being a kid?  

  7. umm no...

  8. I say no.  Because they are not emotionally equipped to deal with all the consequences.  Doesn't it show more love to not give in to your horniness and wait until you are married?  You shouldn't have to "protect" yourself from someone in an act thats meant to be all about giving yourself completely to another person

    I'm 17 this month.

  9. Nope.

    If they truely love eachother they can wait for marriage when you know you'll always be together.

  10. well i think that they should wait until they can handle a family but it is completly up to the person if they want to have s*x

  11. if they are readyand truly ready yes, if they do just to have s*x then thats g*y  

  12. If they are financially, emotionaly, mentally and physically able to support a child then yes!

  13. If the teenagers in question are 16 or older, are emotionally mature, responsible, and practice safe s*x, then I don't see why not.

  14. Nope because were too young to even think about it and you should be at least over 18 to do it so no Idon't think its ok wait until you'll married.

  15. No it's not okay. Premarital s*x is wrong. You should wait to have s*x until your married. Premarital s*x only leads to pain and heartache. It could also lead to pregnancy and STDs. Neither are fun!!! So no it's not okay.  

  16. Yeah - it is.

    People always think that teens are completely incapable of making the right decisions for themselves.

    s*x is a part of everyones life.

  17. i dont really know for shore.
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