
Do you think its ok to,?

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occasionally smoke pot?

i don't think it's that bad.

i think most of the people that say, "your stupid for trying/doing that." and "why would you even want to do it?" are hypocrites because most people have tried it.

but what are your opinions about it?




  1. I really dont like sounding like one of those over the top crazy parents, but smoking pot is a bad thing, anyway that you think about it. Pot is usually the very first drug that a teenager will try, with that comes the addiction to try other drugs. And from personal experience in JUST a week ago losing a family member to meth, I can tell you that trying ANY drug just once is the sure way to ruin your life. All's it takes is one wrong dose, or one extra hit, and thats it, your out of this world as fast as you came in.

    Think about your future before picking up that joint again.

    Consider this, would you walk out into oncomming traffic "occasionally"??? NO because each time can be your last time!

  2. Not bad no.  Just stupid.

    I haven't ever tried it and I'm a normal person.  If you don't mind losing brain cells go for it.  I knew a guy in hs who smoked a joint that was laced with something else and he ended up with permanent brain damage.  

    Why do you want to do it?  Is it because everyone is and you don't want to feel left out?  Are you bored?  Find someone who needs your help, making others happy has a way of creating a natural high.

    Speaking of natural, get out in nature and take a long walk or better yet a run, get high on life.  It's not just an expression, there really is a lot to be happy about if you open your eyes.

  3. I don't think it is a problem occasionally, as long as you do it responsibly (not driving, making stupid decisions, opting out on responsibilities, etc)  The only time I see it as a negative thing is when people spend all of their money and time smoking pot.. and often have a bum life because of it.

    PS smoking pot is not that bad for you, it's negative health effects are similar to occasionally smoking a cigar.

    IT DOES NOT CAUSE BRAIN DAMAGE.. know your facts people

  4. I think that people who do it are kinda dumb cause it doesn't solve anything it just causes more problems.

  5. i do think its stupid, because even like once good be very harmful to you. and plus, what if you get hooked on it, like you try one, and then you say just one more, and so on and so forth, pretty soon your full on dependent on it. and people could catch, and i dont wanna deal with that trouble. no, i have never tried pot, and don't plan to. and all my friends have never tried it either.  

  6. yeah, occasionally. It actually has health benifits, But not all the time or you could become addicted.  

  7. Marijuana should be legal. There are far too many arguments for the legalization of pot to put in the space allottedd. However, it's not legal, and that would be the only reason to not do it. Even occasionally.

    I personally hate when people freak out and say, "you're stupid!" or "pick up dog p**p and eat it"????? (WTF??) It's less controlling than alcohol, that's for sure. I'd rather hang with a bunch of chill stoned people than a group of rowdy drunksany dayy. I personally like it. Though my job does random drug testing so I tend to stay away from it and just have a few beers instead.

    I would say that you either should stay away from it, or smoke it only in the privacy of your own home and only with people you trust.

    Oh, and check out your local government for legislations on the legalization marijuana that are currently on the table. Learn the issues and vote!

  8. I'm not into that kinda stuff.

    I used to get second hand smoke from my sister doing it.

    I would get so sick after being forced to inhale it.

    I wouldn't do it.

    But, that is just me.

    I didn't have a choice.

  9. i think its fine.

    i do it sometimes.. if ever i have any extra money.

    some one up there said her friend died from it.. sweetie thats impossible. you cant OD on weed. and it doesnt kill your braincells.

  10. Unless you want to have bad breath, become blind, get ugly fingernails, get lung cancer, and have an early funeral then SURE!!

    You say occasionally but your brain starts craving nicotine and occasionally will become daily.

    Their not hypocrites for trying in their own way to protect you.

  11. personally i dont like smoking pot.. ive done it in the past but didnt really enjoy it.... but my opinion on the matter... i dont think its a big deal... as long as you dont let it take over ur life even tho i use to hate when my boyfriend would smoke it.. i can honestly say that he did things better while he was high... some people will say that thats a bunch of c**p.. but its true... and i agree most people have tried it and should not judge others... you only live once.. might as well live a lil...

  12. Do you think it's okay to go outside, pick up dog p**p and eat it?  It's just once...

  13. I don't really care if people do or don't. I never did ever but I know many people who have. Not serious like all day stoned out of their gourds or anything. If you try it it's your choice. I wouldn't make it into a habit though. Maybe those people need to reword what they say if they've done it before. It's your life, decide for yourself.

  14. no, i dont think its okay.

    its illegal and it affects you and your brain.

    i am staying away from it

    answer mine?;...

  15. I've never done pot and I don't think its ok. Its can just lead into other stuff. I've had experiences with people that have started with pot and have had an overdose of heroine and died from it.

    I don't really want to scare you, but i don't think its something to play around with...


  16. no...

    my husband used to smoke pot in really changed his personality and made him a mean person when he smoked.

    It also damaged his short term memory (common in pot smokers)...he literally remembers drives me crazy

    I would not smoke pot if I were is not good for you

  17. I think its extremely stupid....And people who say that arent hypocrites cause its stupid to do that

  18. Yeah sure it's okay once in awhile I mean you can break the law a few times as long as you don't get caught right? UM NO it's NOT okay to spoke pot occasionally just because you don't think it's bad doesn't mean it isn't. It's completely illegal and it really harms your body.  

  19. yes, its really bad for you!

  20. There's a reason  they call it DOPE. Now behave before I tell everyone how much you REALLY weigh.

  21. It's nice.  I love it.  Or LOVED it I should say.  I used to smoke a lot but one night I smoked like 8 or 9 bowls by myself and ended up passing out cold in my kitchen after being sent there to get fruity pebbles for my sister.  It was my Dad's weed and that had never happened was really scary so I decided not to do it anymore.

  22. Smoking anything even once is bad for you.

  23. im teen but its not what a saint would do but everyone does it its not like the worst drug people do it openly...

    everyone has done it but i havnt

  24. I think it's stupid it damages your brain.  I know I wouldn't want to be known as a cracky.

  25. If you like smoking pot that you  bussines but if you fell it's wrong then why are you doing it any way.

  26. No, I think its totally fine.

    I do it on occasion, okay like once a week, but yeah.

    If you're in a safe place with people you trust, and you're not going to drive or anything.

    Have fun, you only life once.

    Its not a gateway drug, its the only drug I've ever done, and I don't intend on doing any others, you can't overdose or become addicted.

  27. I would never try that stuff because my best friend died of it last year

  28. I'm 17 and have never even tried it.

    but just because I'm against it doesn't mean i lecture people about not doing it too. i have people in my family who do it and i just choose to leave them alone. but if someone is doing it everyday and they think its the only way to keep them happy then that is when its a problem. and also pot doesn't only effect the person smoking it. it also creates problems for the people who are close to them.  

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