
Do you think its okay for a teenager to experiment with weed just once?

by  |  earlier

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Or maybe twice.




  1. Yeah.

    It's not addictive and it's not going to hurt you. It may be illegal, and yeah, I'd be pissed if my daughter ever did it, but only because it's illegal. Now if she was smoking cigarettes or drinking or something, THEN I'd be REALLY pissed.

  2. no but if u have already then ok but have 2 use other people pee(who havent smoked pot) if ur like sixteen or older u need 4 ur job

  3. yeah sure.

    i mean you only live once right?

    and if you dont do it now your gonna do it later.

    and kay, i have to correct some people on here;

    -weed is NOT addictive

    -wtf is does NOT have nicotine in it, thats cigs

    -weed does NOT kill your braincells

    -you canNOT overdose on weed

    lots of people (including me) live perfectly normal lives that does NOT revolve around weed and yet they still do it on a fairly regular basis.

    if you want to, just try it

    youll be fine.


  4. YES! I learned my lesson when i was 16 and tried it. I whityed, it was the worst experience of my life and i never touched it since. I thought i was dyeing.

  5. I honestly do not know of to many teenagers that don't experiment with weed..however...I do not think it is ok. I have seen first hand the life path of a teen who "experiments with weed just once"..and believe me you do not want to end up like that. Plus let's get real you either smoke it or you don't. Should'nt you have asked is it okay for a teen to smoke weed. If you did just experiment with it once and decided never to do it again...good for you.  

  6. No, that one time could get them hooked.  There are cooler ways to die.

  7. Well, no - because you say maybe twice, then its maybe a third time, fourth, fifth - you see what i'm getting at? It's just like, I don't think less of you if you did and then stopped, but it's not a smart choice - dude, it can mess up your life... especially if you become addicted. So personally, because it's illegal, I wouldn't say it's okay. Sorry.

  8. No. It takes once to get addicted.  

  9. omg nooo! drugs, just doing them once can lead to more times because of they're addictive should never do drugs. PERIOD. EVER!!! just remember D.A.R.E

    D- I wont do DRUGS

    A- Wont have an ATTIUDE

    R- I will RESPECT myself

    E- I will EDUCATE me Now!!!

  10. haha no! Once never stays once. Twice never stays twice! Three times never stays 3 times. It goes on and on till your d ead, or until you get coaught! No ******** way

  11. Or maybe three times? Four? Five? Trying it "just once" may lead to trying it on a daily basis. No, I don't think it's okay.

  12. weed isnt very addictive, yeah i thikn its fine

  13. I wouldn't.  You may really like it, and then what?  You'll want to keep smoking it, and could move on to other things..... just stay away from it and that's your safest move.

  14. no, i do NOT think it is okay to "experiment" one or two times can turn into an addiction and you can turn into a pothead. and that kid up there that says "it wont hurt you" your the biggest dumbass in the world. it obvisouly hurts you, or else it wouldnt be illeagle dipshittttt.

  15. i smoke everyday and i still live a normal life i smoke 2 or 3 blunts and then im done..but if u do it once ur gonna do it again so do what u want but if u not trying to get addicted dont do it but ur first time ur gonna trip real hard lol wish i could see

  16. I have nothing against weed, so I say that it's fine, as long as it doesn't interfere with your everyday life. I know I'm going to get a lot of grief for this, but this is my personal belief.

  17. heck no....

    u will get addicted no questions asked...

  18. no i don't think its okay....trying it once is all you need to get addicted to it....weed is bad cuz it kills your brain cells which in the long run is probably gonna make you really, really dumb so if i was you i wouldn't do it  

  19. Yeah... just don't make it a habit. You know cannabis isn't addictive, so it's not like you're messing about with, say, heroin. Most teens try it at least once. Just don't make it a habit, ok?


  20. Nope. One leads to another.

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