
Do you think its okay for guys to like the jonas brothers?

by Guest59923  |  earlier

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I'm a straight guy and I like there music so what do you think




  1. kevin likes guys.

  2. oh my gosh, of course! Thats so cool. They want all type of fans girls and boys! My brother likes there music. don't listen to lame people who say its not ok they are not the judge you are!  

  3. I think it's wonderful!

    I love you.

  4. You like what you like straight or g*y so don't worry about it. It is just what makes you.

  5. wow I could honestly say that you're so cute. Honest! I mean, i like it when a guy has his own sense of individuality and doesn't care what anyone thinks of him...Trust me, I'm not a Jonas Brothers fan but if a guy told me he likes them I just think it's so cute, seeing as he's not afraid to b different. You know loads of girls would totally date you right now!!! =)

  6. Sure! This is a free country! They are probably happy to have some male fans!

  7. well for me yes.. as long as you like their music..and it does't matter if you're a boy or a girl.. fans are fans.. and people that says it's not ok for boys to like them or miley cyrus or hilary duff are just scared that people would tell them that they are lame or something..they just don't know what they're missing..

  8. Well most straight guys wouldn't admit that so I applaud you for your effort. But if i were you i'd change my preference in music A.S.A.P.!

  9. sureeeeee

  10. I don't think it's okay for ANYONE to like them!

  11. aww thats so cool

    well thts amazing


    of course its ok for u to like them there music is amazing who wouldnt like them other guys like them to but they just cant admit it so its so cool u did like i said the jonas brothers are amazing so if any one says c**p to u like any of ur guy friends

    like ignore it say this to them 'dude if ur having troubles coming out of the closet doesnt mean u should take it out on other peopel'' lol it always works  and trust me when i say this

    if you like a girl and she lieks the jonas brothers then you can toattly get her a s a girlfriend i know i would want a boyfriend who loves jb so good luck and just never forget to ignore people

    andd there is deffinetly nothing wrong with a guy liking the jonas brothers guys think they are tough so tehy c**p bout jb but they know deep inside they love em too but you had the guts to admit to it

    so u gotta be so proud of urself for tht

    hope i helped

  12. i admire guys who like the jonas brothers.

    you shouldn't care on what other people think.

    the jonas brothers are straight guys too.

    that's like me saying is it ok to like miley cyrus?

    point is its fine for you to like them.

    and i like you for saying that.

  13. yeah ofcourse it is.

    i mean, the jonas brothers like guys as well.

  14. I like them a little too and i love Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez and i'm straight.

  15. umm..why not? their not g*y or anything

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