
Do you think its okay to have advertisement trucks drive around all day?

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considering the "gas crisis" we're in and the continually increasing gas prices should someone really be paid to drive around all day? not only that its damaging to the environment. im not anywhere near an environmentalist but that cant be good for the earth. your take...




  1. its ok honey.... oils cheap in gudol amereyca nothins to worry...

    U.S. gas: So cheap it hurts

    Relatively low taxes have kept pump prices far below most other developed nations, which some say is precisely why the current runup is so painful.

    By Steve Hargreaves, staff writer

    Last Updated: May 2, 2008: 12:18 PM EDT

    Most expensive places to buy gas  

    Rank Country Price/gal

    1. Bosnia-Herzegovina $10.86

    2. Eritrea $9.58

    3. Norway $8.73

    4. United Kingdom $8.38

    5. Netherlands $8.37

    6. Monaco $8.31

    7. Iceland $8.28

    8. Belgium $8.22

    9. France $8.07

    10. Germany $7.86

    111. United States $3.45

    NEW YORK ( -- Despite daily headlines bemoaning record gas prices, the U.S. is actually one of the cheaper places to fill up in the world.

    Out of 155 countries surveyed, U.S. gas prices were the 45th cheapest, according to a recent study from AIRINC, a research firm that tracks cost of living data.

    The difference is staggering. As of late March, U.S. gas prices averaged $3.45 a gallon. That compares to over $8 a gallon across much of Europe.

    The U.S. has always fought to keep gas prices low, and the current debate among presidential candidates on how to keep them that way has been fierce.

    But those cheap gas prices - which Americans have gotten used to - mean they feel price spikes like the ones we're experiencing now more acutely than citizens from other nations which have had historically more expensive fuel.

    Cheap gas prices have also lulled Americans into a cycle of buying bigger cars and bigger houses further away from their work - leaving them more exposed to rising prices, some experts say.


    its been running like this since we drove the mohicans out and our good od country NEVER SIGNED THE GLOBAL WARMING PROTOCOL thingy..........

    god i love this khantry........let the world suffer as long as we can live like this forever....

    (from a unnamed white house staff ...)

  2. Yes, it's stupid. One thing you can do is not buy what ever they are advertising.  Also, you can call them up and tell them you will not buy their product*

  3. No.  I wouldn't like to see laws about this, freedom of speech and all that.  But people who object could write to those who advertise this way and let them know you will not buy their product or use their service as long as they advertise this way,

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