
Do you think its possible for a person to be destined for misery?

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So far I am 24 years old and i need some thoughts. My life thus far has not been the best. My parents died when I was 18, then last march I went into preterm labor. I was pregnant with twins. Neither of my babies made it. I am engaged to a wonderful man and we are trying to get through the greiving process but i can't help but wonder if all of this is just my fate to have a terrible life with nothing but loss. is that possible? are there people out there who have nothing but terrible lives? and if there is anyone else out there who has had it that bad how in the world did they get through it cuz i need some help sorting all this out.




  1. i believe everything happens for a reason, life can be unfair to the best of us at times but you have to pull through, it only makes you stronger. There aren't any rules about not being sad about it, but never give up because eventually an opportunity will come, whether it's finally a chance at happiness or to save somebodies life (prevent them from committing suicide etc) you never know

    hope that opportunity comes sooner than later for you

    good luck

  2. we are not destined for misery, we are just not completely happy. even the not so miserable people are not 100% happy.

    yes we all have different experiences, one worst than others.

    why? because thats how life is. some people admire the once that have suffered so much in life, we can be a good counselors for others that cant hold the pain. we can save lives and not even know it. by people hearing your life situations can change someone elses life around.

    so i see it this way, if we all had a similar life, or not so tragic life, then were would this world stand. there would be more suicides, because the ones that need to be helped cant compare their problem to those that have suffered a lot but still stand positive in life.

    i didnt loose my parents physically, but yes emotionally. and im single mom whos been brutally abused by my sons father and my son does not know who is his father to keep us safe from hurting us. half my family died of AIDS and over dose from heroine drugs and cocaine. and for safety reasons i cant say who it is, but a very very very close ralative of mine has cancer and is also infected, not because of using drugs, but ex partner was one of people that use to share the needle with my uncles and lied about being a user, so passed it down to innocent people, who dont deserve to be sick. if one person has been extremely good and faithful to God is the person im talking about, but that person still stands strong and if someone i really admire is that person who acts like life has another day waiting for him/her.

  3. I think most everyone has difficulties in their lives... but in my experience there´s often a kind of a balance. People who have more c**p in their lives earlier, often have happier lives in the long run (know how to appreciate life more, feel happier over smaller things). Those who have happier beginnings, often make their own lives difficult.

    The key is whether you are able to get past all the stuff that has happened to you. You definitely need support (councelling and therapy) to somehow be able to deal with all the grief that you have gone through.

    The sooner you go into councelling, the better. Otherwise the grief will just hang on you. And then it´s possible that you´ll sabotage your own life and make it miserable.

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