
Do you think its possible that the plants are actually making the crop circles themselves?

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I was just watching this crop circle show and it says that crop circles are really an enigma. I've never heard the hypothesis that plants could possibly be resonsible. I wonder if the physics or biology of this is possible. Let me know if you've heard this before.




  1. No, I really do not think this is possible. Plants do not have eyes and other sensory organs that would allow them to coordinate such efforts. Besides, what would plants gain by prematurely laying down their lives? Natural selection would strongly oppose genotypes that did not pass on offspring because they grew up only to lay down on the ground... and, for what?

    The vast majority of crop circles are hoaxes, incidentally.

    Read more here:

  2. Sometimes, usually late in the growing season, plants will loose support and bend over.  I have seen smaller circles like this in prairies and with stands of garlic mustard in the forest.  This may happen with crops but this is still far from the complex patterns typical of most crop circles.

  3. Wow, what are you reading?

    Farmers make them in their fields, sweetie.  google it.

  4. I saw a program on Discover Channel and they interviewed people who make them. They take a big heavy roller that pushes like a lawn mower and they make they roll the wheat flat. They make the pattern on paper before they roll.

  5. No I don't think so as the patterns are with some geomtric designs which really need some kind of intelligence which plants donto have.

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