
Do you think its right for a husband to... ?

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Leave all his assets in case of death to his family(brothers, mom & dad) and to his children and not his wife? This is how my husband willed his estate. I am so upset and feel he has no faith in me or trust with his money. When I confronted him he says, I'm a ******* gold digger. When all I want is for him to take care of our children and have a little left over for me. But why will half of everything to his family and the rest to the children? I just assumed men would leave it all to the wife and children. His parents on in their 70's. I just don't get this. HELP!!! He even threatens to divorce me because I was upset.




  1. he must don't really care about u .  are he afraid that u will spend his money  on another guy.

  2. If you are married it should be both of yours now unless he has a pre nept. If you were divorced the judge would split it in half. Something is wrong,  

  3. Hey great idea, divorce him, you will get half now and part of the rest later, why wait?

  4. You need to run now... How long have you been married?  10 years. Or more..Might want to think about divorce..You will be entitled to half of everything...half of his pension if he has one and so on..not to forget the children..he will have to pay for them too...

    I has nothing to do with. Just because you love someone does make the things they do right. Is he cheating on you?. Would make me wonder what he is hiding from me. Otherwise there should be some provisions for you. I would keep asking him why and demand an answer you deserve that much.If he threatens divorce then say fine...File the paper work ...

  5. So why are you still with him,  He sounds like a jerk.


  6. Well, be nice to your kids and maybe they'll take care of you in your later years.

  7. Maybe you should've put out a little more.

  8. I am sorry, but he does not love you any more , doesn't trust you.

    I would be very offended. We never know people until we are able to possible reach their money.  

  9. I dunno if you are bad with money or not, but he is showing no respect for you. As another said, doesn't bode well for your marriage.

    I wouldn't want to be married to someone who thought that little of me, and yes, if you divorce him, you get half of what was accunulated during the marriage. I am not a lawyer of anykind, but I don't think he can leave you nothing legally.

    Consult a lawyer privately.

  10. do you have any assets? Just let it go its not right and  let him know  he doesn't need to threaten you if he wants to leave then leave don't act like the weak one.

  11. Sounds like a man who doesn't love his wife and children.

  12. if you can happy leave him you will get good amount and take child with you

  13. HE'S AN IDIOT!!!!  Of course he is supposed to leave everything to you and the children.  EVERYTHING! You dont need that idiot.  If he's like that with this, imagine with other things.

  14. He told you why he did it-he thinks you are a gold digger.  He's basically told you that he has no faith in you to handle the money appropriately, and doesn't want you to have any.  It's his money, he can do what he wants to with it, although I think it says a heck of a lot about the state of your marriage that things are like this.

  15. I say leave the dumb *** now,he does not care a thing for you.

  16. He's a jerk.  This is how you treat an ex-wife, not a current one.  How old are your kids?  Woah, I just read that last sentence.  He's trying to manipulate the heck out of you.  A normal person would be upset.  An abnormal person would do the things he did.  Let him be an ex-husband, since that's what he wants to be.  

  17. You go, right now, to see a lawyer. Find out if that will can be enforced. If it can, and it's likely that his assets from before the marriage can be left like that, you need to think about being without it should he die or see what alternatives the lawyer can tell you about.  

  18. what a f*cken jack a**.devorse him now and get half of everything.

    it's his job to take care of his family,that means u and the kids,especiallt if u dnt work.leave his sorry cheap a**.

  19. yeah because then they'll have something to use to go to school, instead of you somehow spending it. You should be happy that they will have something for later.

  20. For some reason it seems he doesn't trust you. It's good that he will leave assets for the kids, but hmm you thats just seems like saying he doesn't like you or trust you. Very weird never heard of this before..

  21. well yeah

  22. Wow,what did you do to him?There must be a reason why he did that.It sounds like he could care less about you.If my husband acted like that & called me a *******gold digger,i would seriously consider leaving the jerk.IF you divorce him you could go for alimony anyway.Or you could just be happy he is at least leaving his kids something.  

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