
Do you think its right for gary glitter to be freed?

by Guest65446  |  earlier

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Do you think its right for gary glitter to be freed?




  1. Well, I think the real question should be about revising the jail term for such crimes.

    It seems to me that the victims punishment, which is a lifetime, is disregarded for the so-called human rights of these socially inept individuals.

    You do more time for tax evasion.

  2. No!

  3. If he was sentenced to a period in prison and served that time then we would expect him to be released. (I understand he got time off for good behaviour)

    Whether the sentence was correct is for the Vietnamese authorities to decide.

    And given the press frenzy about him I doubt he will ever be 'free'

    I abhor what he did. But 'war criminals' still walk the planet free from punishment because it is politically convenient to let them.

    He did his time. This country seems to have the correct procedures in place to monitor him. I have to get on with my life. I leave him to get on with his.

  4. No absoloutely not. He's a danger to children, and he won't change. Even if he isn't physically abusing a child, he'll be looking at child p**n. He shouldn't be allowed to live so freely.

    He should be locked up until the day he dies, like all paedos, that's the best place for him. People like him are a horrible freak of nature, they're a tragic burden to the human race.  

  5. The laws are too soft on people like him,he should have been castrated.

  6. haha he has a funny name but idk who that is

  7. Afterall he has done his time hasnt he? Isit right for the judge to give him the amount he gave him? I guess so it is the Law after all

    answer my question too please !

  8. Ugh!  I find him and what he did to be repulsive, however, I also find it disgusting that people act like their 100% innocent angels who have never done a thing wrong when casting judgment on him!

    No, it's not right to do what he did, but so many people do so many other bad things to people yet they justify themselves by further demonizing others. It just makes me sick.

  9. He's served his sentence.  It is not for public opinion to decide the length of prison time.  What I want to know is why we're spending so much time thinking about him and not going after the thousands of other men who go abroad for this reason and the travel agents that organise their trips.

  10. No,  Gary Glitter is a paedophile.  Paedophiles are a danger to children.

    Its not even a case of "he's served his time".  Paedos don't reform.  The minute they are freed they pose a risk to children and as such should not be allowed to roam freely.

    I think they should all be locked up for life for no other reason than to protect our kids.

  11. Nope. Simple just shoot him, like you should do with all pedophiles. Or use them for animal testing instead of animals.  

  12. Lisa - do you even know who he is and what he did??? You just answered this question to get your own answered. Idiot.

    No he shouldn't - people like that should never be let loose on the population again. If he comes back here, he will be lynched. And rightly so.

  13. No put him in a cell in Alcatraz and let him stay there with no company and luxury until he comes to his ways and behaves respectfully, and do what he is told.  

  14. Yes free him and let him loose in public, especially in a room with the mothers whose children he abused!  What a waste of editorial and governments' money.  Could always give him a free-fall lesson over the parachute of course.

  15. If he stayed in jail as much as the law stated then it's ok. Just let's hope he wont redo what he did to get in jail in the 1st place!

  16. typical vigilante statement..............the man has served his time for the crime..........the media are driving this story as usual......there are a lot more criminals who are not in the spotlight ,in fact most paedophilia is commited by members of the family of the child......people are just venting their spleen at Gary Glitter because he is an easy target......even the govt are in on the act to win some brownie makes me sick

    Long live Gary Glitter...............Long live The Leader

  17. No!!!

    I think that people who abuse children should be locked up, and they key should be thrown away.

    I think he is still a threat.

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