
Do you think it`s right to put your kids on a strict schedule?

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cause my kids are put on a very strict schedule but my best freind said that she shouldn`t be put on a schedule my kids ages are 7,4,2 1/2 and i expecting last one in october do you think it`s fine to put your kids on a schedule or not please give me your honest opinon i`ll take any comment




  1. There is nothing wrong with putting them on a schedule.  Strict or not is up to you, but you will have to realize that some latitude may be necessary.  Kids will adapt to schedules, and as long as you allow them their free time within that schedule you shouldn't have much of a problem.  My wife and I had our kids on a schedule that pretty much lasted all through high school, but in reality, by the time they were in Jr. high, they pretty much maintained their schedule on their own.

  2. Schedules are organization and less chaos in my opinion, while you shouldn't plan every single detail of the day, you should have a routine that is appropriate for each age of the kids. It's okay to have a 4 year do a couple of things that are age appropriate to help the family, it can all be put on mom or that cycle will continue onto their children.  Under 3 is up to you, I had my children helping in the family from the time they could walk, putting away toys etc. I think you have to start everything young or you'll have sassy spoiled young children ruling your home. Also in the adult world there is always scheduling so why wouldn't you gift them the gift of preperation for that?

  3. Schedules work great for me, but I find that breaking them once in a while as a reward for good behaviour is okay as well.  Kids tend to like the schedules and might even remind you if you're falling behind!

  4. you shouldent until they are atleast 9 years of age because it could couse sirious stress

  5. My son is 10 1/2 months and i have him on a schedule. Maybe not very strick but i stick to it as close as i can. I find its the only way to have a little sanity with everything. It helps us both deal with nap times and feedings and things.

  6. that depends how strict your schedule is? yes a schedule or routine is a good thing for children they need it but i wouldnt be too strict on it like bedtime now its summer i lax off the kids a bit if its a nice evening they can stay out longer or watch a dvd before bed if it wets but once back to school they will be back to routine bedtimes, they are only small once so enjoy them with routine yes aswell this is achiveable.

  7. I think it is perfectly fine to have them on a strict schedule. Growing up my sister and I knew what we were expected to do at a young age. Schedules help things flow better, especially now that your busy life is about to get a bit busier..But my mom always made sure we had plenty of play time too :) We were kids.

    Today I feel like I know how to balance thing out between work, fun and th spontaneity of life!

  8. Yes, I think a strict schedule is a good idea. They will perform better in school and be more well behaved even if they complain. In the long run they'll appreciate it.

  9. I like the word "schedule," but I don't like the word "strict."

    A schedule (or as I like to call it, a routine) is a good thing for children, because it gives them stability and makes them feel that they know what to expect.

    However, it is also very important to be flexible, and to sometimes do things spontaneously that may not fit into the normal routine.   For example, let's say that on a gorgeous day, one of your good friends calls you and says, "We're going swimming this afternoon, would you like to join us?"  In terms of your schedule, this might mean that the kids don't eat lunch at EXACTLY the same time, or nap at EXACTLY the same hour.   But why waste a lovely day?  Give them a nice surprise, and take them swimming with friends!  It will teach them that there is flexibility and fun in life, as well as obligation and responsibility.  As long as you adhere to the routine most of the time, it's fine to veer off once and awhile.

  10. Put me on a strict schedule.  I am never on one.  You know why I get discipline?  Because if I don't be more responsible than my parents I am screwed.  I am a star athelete and do well in school.  Make your kids see the need to succeed, not show them how ****** up our world already is.  Instill them with christian virtues and show them hope and how to be responsible , maybe then our country will be as patriotic and faithful as it should be.  Hoorah.  Remember our children must learn, they are not machines, they need "controlled learning."

  11. I think schedules are OK if you use them as a guideline. You need to be a little flexible though or else your kids will flip out if anything different pops up.

  12. i don't think a strict schedule for young kids is good

    i think a general routine with some necessary deadlines (lunch around 12, room cleaned by ___) is a better choice

    then tighten the reigns as they get older if you see the need

    getting kids in a routine/ habit is a good thing to do in my opinion

  13. i dont think they should be on a schedule. my parents didnt have one and i sort of liked the fact that they gave me more independence to be my own person and to do things on my own. i see some people struggling when their parents finally start leaving them to do things on their own without scheduling and they look totally lost.

  14. My children are all on a "strict" schedule. It is a method used to deal with ADHD, ODD, Bipolar, OCD and many other issues. The premise is that scheduling and consistency help a child learn what is expected off them during specific times and specific activities. My son's behavioral psychologist helped us create our schedule. It works very well for my children and has NOT had adverse issues.

  15. I have a 10-year-old, 9-year-old, 16-month-old, and our last one is also due in October... Routine can be good, but I don't like schedules; they drive me crazy... I don't do well with 'have-to's', so I won't force that on my kids. (Within reason, of course.) Too many obligations, make for a dull and stressful existence, and life is too unexpected! If they were on a strict schedule, and it has to change, for whatever reason, they will be more likely to panic or act out, since they would be used to 'this is how it is; no room for any deviation.'

    I'm not knocking what you do, since you don't go into specifics; I'm just saying it would never work for me. :)

  16. no. kids are so often beeing oppresed and controled by teachers adults babysitters and so on. give them time to be kids. if you dont they are just going to hate you when they get older.

  17. Kids behave much better when they get in the habit of doing the same thing at the same time every day.   In particular, eating and napping and doing homework at the same time every day are very helpful.  The schedule, however, should allow free periods when kids decide what they will do during that time.    The more kids that one adult is caring for, the more you will see the tendency to put them on a schedule.   My daycare provider had a strict routine for her six kids, and if you watch Jon and Kate plus 8, you'll see them on a strict routine.

  18. When mine were little (newborn to toddler) they were on a schedule like clock work. They got into a routine of eating at the same time daily, bathing, napping etc. Now that they are school age, I'm more laid back. They are not a strict schedule during summer or vacations, but during school they are. They have set times for homework, showers, eating, activities, etc.

    I think our schedules help us.

    It's your family- do what works for you.

  19. schedule yes.

    strict schedule no.

    a strict schedule will cause the children to learn stress and other adult things that come with a strict schedule early and that's bad.

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