
Do you think its sad that small family stores and businesses are going out of business?

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Theres a music store (family run) that has lovely people working there and owners in the town I live in. Ive bought a guitar, music books etc from them. They know me by name and i know them (even though i dont go that often- because im not into music anymore). The other day they told me that they cant compete with online shopping (like ebay, amazon, online companies)and so they are shutting down.

Also, yesterday, an elderly gentleman came to my house and asked me if i wanted to have milk delivered to my house by a milkman (remember them). He told me small farms are going out of business because of big supermarkets like ASDA, TESCO, etc. I agreed to have milk delivered by milkman.

Its just really sad to see small businesses go away due to big companies and corporations




  1. yes it is sad but it doesn't really have to be that way. small businesses can still keep on going if they provide better quality of services than those big corporations. what they need is a small business customer relationship management. through this, they will be able to take care of the customer's needs better. read more about it here:

  2. No as I never use them. I like supermarkets and large stores or I shop on line because I am lazy .

  3. I completely agree.... I try and buy locally wherever I can, too many local stores going out of business, due to supermarkets moving into villages rather than cities. Its awful.

    Buy local and keep milkmen in business! xx

  4. I started my career working for a small family owned firm and they instilled in me the importance of using small business over big.  I stopped shopping at walmart/big box stores and even though I have to pay a little more it gives support to locally owned small business'.  It is sad when they have to close their doors, because you do get better customer service, because those people want you to come back.  Big boxes don't really care, they pay their people as little as possible and don't really care if customers are happy. Very sad.  Support Small Business everyone!

  5. lol!! i signed up for a milkman a couple of months ago...flipping expensive..but glad I am doing at least a little to help.. not to happy when he didn't appear over easter though~ !!!xx

  6. Its called a recession

  7. Sure.

    Why not?

    When the young ones no longer interested in continuing the business.

    But busy in playing computer games.

    So the elders just pack up and lost with time.

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  8. It is very sad. When I moved to where I live, there was a parade of local shops around the corner. It included a grocers, a cafe, a newsagents, a (sub) post office, a bakery, a cafe and a hairdressers. One by one they have closed but the newsagents and grocers managed to survive. A month ago a "Nisa" store opened and both  the newsagent and the grocer have folded in the past week. Some call it progress but I do think it's sad.

  9. not really. what do people expect? you either shop online or go to a shop. given the choice people will go where best value is to be had. and that is online.

  10. Yes it is very sad, because we used to get far better service from staffed shops than supermarkets. Why on earth we have allowed these frightful "find it yourself" warehouses to take root on our sceptred isle is quite beyond my comprehension, and to be quite honest with you, the sooner supermarkets are replaced by webshopping and direct home delivery the better. However, not so, the helpful single range of merchandise shop which had friendly, helpful, informed staff on hand to demonstrate and advise.

    When a supermarket opens, a number of other privately owned individual shops close, and our consumer choice and service are gone forever. We can no longer ask for and expect to be able to buy products that we prefer, but must accept what the supermarket and conglomerates allow us to buy.

    A while ago, I was told that McVities Digestives with taste were no longer available in a number of different supermarket chains which had ganged together, because they were reckoned to be a high salt item, and neither would the supermarket order for a single customer on request. They pointed out the need to stock only healthy food, and not necessarily what I wanted. I doubted the sincerity of this statement as the cigarette counter seemed to be  doing a great deal of trade in unhealthy products, but then that is business.

    Why have we allowed councils to made shopping in towns a difficult matter with lack of convenient and cheap car parking, ever increasing rents for shop premises, and quite unfriendly town centres, whilst the supermarkets with their large convenient free car parks offer considerable advantages to the shopper.

    Sadly, this is progress, although certainly not in the right direction.

  11. of course it is but a capitalist country does not want people to earn money for themselves ,they would prefer us to work hard so somebody else gets all the profits

    we have a town centre identicle to hundreds of others and its very boring

    i do buy from independant shops and hire local independant tradesmen whenever i can but their numbers are dwindling

  12. I do agree, although its just a sad fact that many of us have had to economise by shopping at the big supermarkets because they are cheaper.  Small family run firms can charge more and for people on a budget its not always possible.

    I do agree that family run firms are friendlier and help glue the community together though.

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