
Do you think its safe for a 90 year old to be driving?

by  |  earlier

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keep in mind they are in pretty good health and the doctors havent told them not to drive. if no, what are some ways to take the keys without taking away their independance?




  1. My 'Aunt' Sue, yes.  Vast majority, no...

  2. Review and adjust your own attitudes about older drivers. Do stereotypes about aging affect your feelings about older people as individuals with different strengths, or do you lump them together as a group?

    Try to get an objective idea of your parents' driving abilities. Recent accidents or traffic tickets could signal a problem. Drive with them, or ask someone else to observe.

    Determine if your parent is voluntarily limiting his or her driving. Many older people will only drive during daylight hours, and only to places they know well. Find out if your parents are limiting their own driving.

    Check your parents' car. Can your father still see over the dashboard easily? Do your mother's feet reach the pedals easily?

    Help parents assess their current driving skills. You can also check with local colleges or universities, occupational therapists, doctors.

    Address the problems the assessment uncovers. For example, if reaction time is slowing, a driver can allow more space between his or her car and the one in front.

    Involve others if you need help. If your parents refuse to make changes or stop driving, a doctor, member of the clergy or a family friend may be able to help.

    Help parents find other means of transportation. Work with your parents to identify what public, private and community transportation services are available.

  3. I won't say that no 90 year olds should be allowed to drive, but I would say that MOST of them probably should not be driving.

  4. no. that is too old..most people by that age has alzheimers and therefore their minds are slower to react to certain situations

  5. safe for some. you can't lump everyone together on age

  6. If the person in question still has their dl and the doctors have not told them not to then why shouldn't they be driving. My great grandmother drove until she was 96 years old. She is now 99 and living in a nursing home so she does not drive.

  7. no, it could be safe, but the odds are they are a nuisance when they drive 12 in a 45 mph zone, or brake going up a hill, or take 3 minutes to make a turn.

  8. If they can see and react ok... then I don't see why not.

  9. It seriously depends on several factors.

    There are alot of people I don't think should be driving (and it doesn't depend on their age).

    Better question: Should there be mandatory driver tests every couple of years once a person reaches a particular age?

    Also involved in this question is whether or not its classified as age discrimination.

  10. leave her alone.

  11. If they have a lawful license, then it would be hard to take their keys.

    Are you saying they aren't a safe driver just because they're old?

    If you are basing your decision on age alone, then perhaps you would have to include the very young and new drivers..

    should they also have their keys taken away?

    You still haven't told us what you have observed that is UNSAFE....other than she shakes???

  12. Let her drive. Be patient on her. Age doesn't matter as she posed a valid driving licence and insurance! Anyhow she is not going more than 200kmh, isn't she?

  13. no...

    its not safe

    90 is too old

    you can offer to drive for them like "can i get the keys and drive you there" or like i think driving at this age is not safe for your age " and then put the keys somewhere high so they cant reach it

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