
Do you think its safe to travel on your own?

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has anyone travelled on their own abroad to explore? ive tried to organise it with my friends but they keep letting me it possible to do it on your own and how? an experiences?




  1. my guy friend went abroad by himself... he met new people, had a great time. just be smart about it and it should be quite an experience!

  2. Um, if you are a girl, sorry but usually no. I'm not sexist or anything, my my friend went to Europe two years ago by herself and she said it was scary- mainly because she had a run in with some people that followed her from her hotel. Yikes. You should do what I did.  I just started traveling last year, and I used EF College Break. It was amazing!! I had so much fun, and I met alot of people. They were really good and they take care of all the details for you. All you pay for is lunch and dinner, since the package tour includes round trip airfare and hotels and a tour director. So it was pretty cool that I did not have to worry about anything and just have fun. You should check it out. I think its only for people 18-26 though since it is a student subsidized travel thing. So basically, you do the tourist thing one morning with them, and then you are free to explore and experience. Oh, and if you decide to use them I recently got a promo code for them at this fair. it is HESSELN1188 and it saves you like an extra $100. What you can do is opt for staying behind, and then use their ticket to travel to your next destination with at least a little bit of slightly guided travel experience under your belt. You should see if it works for you. I had lots of fun on my trip. (I went to France!) You just book online. Um, just google ef college break and you should find it. Its the cheapest way to travel, I've found so far-and I've looked for a long time. And no one followed me from my hotel- cause I was with people! :)

  3. Yes, you should be pretty safe as long as you don't go to any poor countries.

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