
Do you think its selfish to homeschool your kids?

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I want to home school my kids but the school says its not fair to the kids. How do you deal with the schools when you want to homeschool your kids? I am thinking about using a online school to work at home for support. Thanks.




  1. How dare you think of your kids first and the schools second!  BAH HA HAhahahahahaha!  Ignore them.  They lose money when kids are pulled out of school and they'll say ANYTHING to stop you.

  2. Well, I think that it is more selfish to NOT homeschool your children than it is selfish to do it, but that is my personal opinion.

    Of course the school is going to do whatever they can to talk you out of homeschooling-when you take them off of the public school rosters, they lose funding.  

    There is absolutely NOTHING-and I do mean NOTHING-that homeschooled children lack.  Well, not anything you want them to have anyway-they do miss out on a lot of stuff that is part of the reason we homeschool (bullying, herding, etc.).

    Make the best decision for your children and family, without regard to the public school's opinion.

  3. i really disapprove of home schooling i know many kids who are home schooled there social skills are horrible just saying good luck!

  4. So, what is the public school's motive for wanting to teach your kids?  I'm sure it is much different from your motive for wanting to teach them at home.   I expect your motives are less selfish and more honorable than theirs.

    Simply follow the rules for your state in withdrawing them from school.  Ask for your children's records.    Be polite.  Thank them for what they have done for your children.   Explain to them that though you know they care, you care more and have more time than they do  to invest in your children's future.  You know your children better than they know them.   You can help your children plan their futures and create their curriculum to meet their goals, needs, talents, and interests.

  5. Of course not!  I don't feel that it is right for the public schools to indoctrinate my kids.  There are many many support groups, that get together for field trips, play days, even sports and such.  Please do not let others influence YOUR good judgment! ESPECIALLY the school district. To them your child is nothing but more money. They just want more federal funding. You need to keep the government away from YOUR family. Thats just another way for them to have MORE power over you!!!!!

  6. No, it most definitely is not selfish

    And the schools tell parents such as you that stuff solely because they have vested interests (both financial and political) interests in getting you to enrol your kids in school.

    My family had no contact with any schools when we decided to go with homeschooling so didn't have any need to 'deal with the schools'. None of the local schools know that my siblings or I even exist...and why should they?

    If you want to homeschool your own kids, that is no business of the schools. You're your kids' parent, not the school, not the state and not the goverment!

    If they're currently enrolled at school, you either de-register them or simply don't re-enrol them (depending on the procedures locally); if they haven't yet started school, you didn't need to have had any contact with the school about anything.

  7. Selfish? Only if wanting the best for your children counts as selfish, but I'd say that was a GOOD kind of selfish.

    Not fair to the kids? Pah! What a load of BS! As if the school put the needs, wishes and best interests of children first.

    No, it's not selfish and who gives a stuff what a bunch of education professionals* think?

    *people who do it for MONEY

  8. I homeschool my son, & to answer NO I dont think its selfish to homeschool your kids. My son by the way is MORE sociable then we are. He has a very high iq, & to homest, I personally think the public & private schools are selfish. They are more concerend about their pay. And their d**n lifestyle there trying to life, instead of realizing the extra $$ they get needs to go on material for the kids! Its not all about the d**n teacher.

    I homeschool my son becuase the teachers here are so imconpatant its not funny.

    See my son is severly dyslexic, the schools here have todl us, That dyslexia dosnt exsist!! Thats a bunch of bull****!!!

    Plus, my son has to be tube fed too, every 3 hours. Theschool said, theyd help with that ONLY if I would come up to the school to hook & unhook him. I told them I will just homeschool him, I cant keep leavign the job I had to do this. SO I took his education in our hands.

    My son is doign so much better now too.

  9. a homeschool mom, you give up a lot.... Time with your friends, time spent planning out their curriculum, time spent making sure they are involved in a variety of activities and then layering in classes as they hit high school.

    You get back time with your I guess that could be considered selfish...okay me selfish. I'm going to get to the end without regrets! That's a great place to be :)

    Best of Luck to You!


  10. You know its selfish to keep your kids from others.  How do you expect your kids to be independent?

  11. i dont think it's selfish...just make sure that you find a lot of good ways for your kids to interact with other kids. many home schooled children lack vital social skills

  12. Why should you have anything to do with the schools if you are going to homeschool?

    I think most people who homeschool definitely don't do it for selfish reasons. They believe it's their responsibility to provide something better for their kids; they're not choosing to homeschool because they're thinking about themselves.

    The schools are a business. Like any service, the amount of money coming in depends on the number of people using the service. They want your child there. Of course, many are also very wrongly convinced that school is the proper place for kids to be.

    If you choose an online school, they will obviously be more supportive of your choice. :) There is absolutely nothing you need to say to "the school". They don't have to agree with you and they don't have to approve. And you don't have to convince them.

    Do try to find some homeschool support groups online and in your area. You may find that the support you get from them and the guided curricula that are out there may be better than what the school can offer.

  13. No, I think you would be more selfish to send them to public school.  It takes away from your valuable time to home school and less selfishness!  It would be easier to get a job and make more money than home school, but I know it is better for my children to teach them at home.  It's been proved that home school kids get a better education and social skills than public or private! (No matter what your background) They also tend to do better in college, maybe because they are more self motivated??  The public school teachers and principals give me more drama than anyone else when it comes to homeschooling.  Even private schools are more open to the idea that I've encountered anyway.  Good luck!

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