
Do you think its sexist or not?

by Guest31936  |  earlier

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ok me and a friend were having a disagreement. now I'm a very peaceful person and I dont like to hit people. I would never hit a women and I told her this and she said it was sexist. she said it was sexist because I would sooner hit a man than a women, now personally if I'm sexist because I wont hit a woman then fine I'm sexist but I honestly dont think I am. what do you guys think?




  1. There's obvious biological differences in men and women, either way, being treated as equals, just means respect. She's a bit confused.

  2. I don't think you are sexist since I'm pretty sure most women don't want any men hitting them.  She only think you are sexist, because she want to be treated equality with a man even if it mean being hit like a man.  But if she want to be hit by a man than that is her.  I'm all for being treated equality, but not in that situation.

  3. I don't think you are.

    I can see how she came to this though. Sexism means treating one s*x differently than the other, and I guess you are. In some situations, men & women should be treated differently.

  4. No you aren't.  

  5. in a way... uh... yeah :o/ its stretching a bit, but u said "I'm a very peaceful person and I dont like to hit people." then u specifically mentioned "would never hit a women" which is not only gramatically wrong (a women) :oP but can be considered sexist. the fact that u had 2 specifically mention "women" singling us out shows prejudice in that "we cant kick ur a**!"  :o) I know what u meant and its all good 2 me but yeah it can b considered a sexist statement.

    btw soooo did u hit her? :oP

    edit: no prob here :o) and i dont think u r sexist <---k, sorry, hope that cleared it up.

    i just wanted 2 state how it could b taken as "sexist." its one thing 2 b clear on who u r, its another how others may perceive u.

    i probably just muddled it up again, huh? :o/

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