
Do you think its s**y when a women speaks her mind?

by  |  earlier

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I was discussing with my husband, and he said one of the reasons he fell in love with me was because I'm a strong women and I speak my mind. He also told me that there are some guys who are intimidated and scared by it and tend to shy away from women like that. So what I want to know is, Do you think its s**y when a women speaks her mind? If not, why?




  1. no. speaks your own mind means strong. but, not every words your said is true. Some people (Men) don't like talkative girl. that would become threat to them. However, i like whoever speaks like u.  

  2. Here in Hungary I have noticed all of the women even the sometimes shy ones will speak their minds when necessary.

    It is never attractive for a women ( or man) to swear or scream while getting their point across.

    It is always s**y to see someone not back down if they know they are right but not to show off either.

  3. LoL, sometimes no, because they can go off on you and make up a million different positives.

  4. Depends on what is said and how she says it.

    I personally think that it is s**y. If she was to speak her mind by yelling and starting trouble with other people, it can become distasteful.

    So for me it matters if what is being said is in good taste and open minded. If not its repulsive no matter male or female.

  5. No. I don't like dominant, opinionated, bossy women.

    I'm sorry, I just don't. I prefer women who are demure, gentle and who let the man wear the pants.

    I'm not saying that a woman should be a pushover and never make any decisions. I like when a woman gives me her point of view on things, and can carry on an intelligent conversation. However, I just don't prefer strong willed women.

    I guess I just can't handle a strong woman, sorry.

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