
Do you think its stupid?

by  |  earlier

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I think its stupid to have a boyfriend online that you havent even met

I play runescape, and people do that all the time

I think its wrong

I have a friend (whos a boy) who does not understand why its so wrong (i know him in real life) can you give me some points that would help me with my argument?




  1. yes its stupid: explain to him that its not safe because the person he is talking to could be a fraud. and its not good to get your hopes up and you will never see that person,and that most likely they already have a mate,.

  2. h**l YEAH ITS STUPID!!!!!!

    well 4 1 u can NEVER see each other, 2 go on dates or hang out or just cuddle......he doesnt know the chick...ppl can lie over the internet

    wats the point if u can never be with them?that would suck!

  3. She could be a GUY or someone fooling him.

    She could have a boy friend..

  4. Virtual reality will never become real life. So tell him to go outside and find a real, touchable girlfriend.

  5. An ONLINE BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND!  WHOOO BUDDY!  That boy/girl-friend is probably an old, bald headed, beer guzzling, potbellied, high school drop out sitting in his whitey tighties, smoking a cigarrette with the ashes dripping on his keyboard.

    Are guys/gals that pathetic, desparateand STUPID  they have ONLINE GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIENDS? WOW!  That's SAD.  

    If it's a REAL guy/gal, that person probably has a REAL girl/boyfriend in REAL life and is just playing a game.

    The wife of a co-worker played a lot of BackGammon games with a guy from Canada.  He said he owned a dairy farm.  They wound up 'falling in love' on line (she was in her 40's).  He actually came to Virginia and she slipped off to be with him while my co-worker and I were out of town on a project.  He found out and we did some checking on this guy.  He lived in small town in Saskatchawan (not on a dairy farm), was on the board of directors of some city board, had a wife and 2 daughters and worked in a hardware store.  (Seems this Canadian had told my co-worker's wife that he was going to leave his wife and wanted to marry Donna.)  You'd be surprised what you can find out on line with a few dollars to spend.  He found some pictures of his wife and this guy, had copies made and mailed them to the guy's wife in Canada.  Right away, the guy emailed my co-worker's wife and his wife went snakey!   To make a long story short, the guy's wife in Canada left him, my co-worker left his wife (and pays NOTHING in alimony..he got a REAL judge that saw through the woman).  Oh, my co-worker had sent a POST CARD to this Canadian and said something like "I KNOW YOU CAME TO VIRGINIA AND HAD s*x WITH MY WIFE.  STOP EMAILING HER OR I'LL TELL YOUR WIFE."  Seems that the town has about 1200 people....and you know how things are in small towns. AND so many knew that this guy had gone to the states...and some knew he had gone to Virginia.  hmmmm

    So much for ONLINE romance, eh hoser?

  6. With so many paedophiles on line these days, you need to be very circumspect as to who you are talking to, especially if you have not met them face to face.

  7. As long as it stays online and you know it isn't real, it isn't stupid nor wrong.

    Here are the situations where it could be stupid or wrong:

    1.  If you give out too much information about yourself, particularly early on or if the conversation has become sexual.  Then you could have a stalker.  A danger here is when people are not the age or gender they say they are.

    2.  If you are a child/teen.  This is related to the above in that there are pedophiles who try to get personal information about children/teens in order to attempt to arrange a meeting for s*x with them.

    3.  If you get your hopes up too much or too fast.  If you are just messing around with strangers online and don't expect anything to happen, then there is nothing wrong with that.  Fantasy is good and healthy.  But if you expect something that may never happen, then you could get hurt.

    4.  Addiction, co-dependency, or lack of boundaries.  If you become addicted to the online encounters, cannot say no to people online, or online activities impact your life or health, it could be a problem.

    5.  If there is a risk of health.  Constantly staring at the monitor is not healthy for your eyes.  Some people become paranoid after excessive computer usage, and the internet can be addictive.

  8. It's not healthy to stare at a computer screen for so long.

    Physically touch helps sickeness/depression

  9. u play rs?!!? siiiiik wat lvl r u?? r u a member?? wats ur username?? um.. if u know him in real life i dont see what the big deal is and some points for your argument,

    these boys you havent met could be sexual predators like pedophiles or serial rapists and murderers, although most rapists dont really play runescape.

    i rarely go on rs much cause i got heaps of assignments but add me if u like


    btw im not a serial rapist im a 16 yr old christian brought up in a healthy stable happy environment lol

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