
Do you think its time for the world to wake up to know that global warming is real???

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Global warming is real our ozone is suffering from all that pollution and the layers are shrinking before you know it we will all fry like hamburgers, I hate to say it because it could happen when who knows. We need to act now and decrease this from happening. our polar regions are melting and they will send dangerous toxins in the air if melted all the way. If people only would spend time thinking about this and do something good for the environment like recycle or plant a tree or even switch to wind power or get cleaner technologies for there home. We need to act and quickly. whats your thoughts??




  1. The ozone hole has absolutely NOTHING to do with GW--

    Thanks I never knew that melting ice (water vapor) was a TOXIN???

  2. Bob, in looking at the Globescan/Univ. of Maryland list of survey questions...... had I composed such a list of survey questions while in college..... I would have been drummed out of class.  I can't believe that such loaded/leading questions were allowed in ANY survey underwritten by a university.  I can understand Globescan.... a private entity doing such, as many of these companies are employed to perform 'custom' surveys..... but not a university.  The survey is worthless and you know it!

  3. can ya mom count to ten

  4. I'm awake and aware.  I know global warming is real, natural, and caused most likely by unusually high solar activity.  The only action we can take is to adapt to an ever changing planet.

  5. It is time for the world to wake up alright.

    It is time for the world to wake up and recognize that Global Warming is a much lower priority than raising our families and children, paying our mortgages and saving for college for our children and retirement.

    Our government has had a policy of restricting oil drilling in the United Staes to create an artificial shortage of gasoline to drive up the price of gasoline and force us out of our cars in the effort to reduce carbon emissions all for the sake of stopping Global Warming.

    Unfortunately those reductions are so small they will have little or no impact on stopping Global Warming.

    All the high gasoline prices have accomplished is to bankrupt many families and make it impossible to pay their mortgages.

    Many families are being forced out of their homes because they cannot pay their mortgages.

    One of the reasons is that families that must commute 50 to 100 miles to work cannot pay the very high gasoline bills and their mortgages at the same time.

    For example, here in Silicon Valley, California many people commute from the Central Valley, which is approximately a commute of 70 to 100 miles each way.

    Their gasoline bills were already very high. Now those gasoline bills have doubled.

    Their budgets were already stretched thin.

    the high gasoline costs have stretched their budgets to the breaking point.

    Many of the foreclosures in the Central Valley are caused by the high gasoline prices that people must pay when they have to drive 140 to 200 miles each way every day.

    Note to EMMA the responder who told me to shut my mouth:

    EMMA you do not know what you are talking about. I am a scientist with a PhD in Biochemistry. I know far more about this than you do.

    First you have no idea what kind of a reduction in fossil fuel use it will take to stop Global Warming.

    According to the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports we must reduce carbon dioxide emissions world wide to less than one tenth of what they are today if we are to have any chance of stopping Global Warming.

    that means that we must stop all use of fossil fuels (gaslone, diesel, coal, and natural gas) world wide.

    We would not even be able to use fossil fuels to heat water.

    I recommend that you go take a cold shower to find out what your life will be like if we curtail all use of fossil fuels to stop Global Warming.

    EMMA you are part of the cause of Global Warming. If you live in a residence that is heated, if you use hot water to bathe ( I hope you do bathe at least once in a while), if you use air conditioning, if you drive a car at all, you are causing Global Warming if you do any one or more of these things.

    Also, EMMA I can see that you have bought into the Global Warming hysteria.

    the Gobal Warming hysteria is absolutely false. the colleges will not be under water.

    That was a myth put out by the Hollywood horror flick "The Day After Tomorrow."

    that Movie is about as scientifically accurate as the old King Kong horror flicks.

    That movie was designed to terrify gullible people like you.

    If we are to have a decent civilized society where people can have homes raise their families and save for college and retirement we cannot have gullible people like you continuing to make policy in this area.

    We have the current crisis in gasoline prices because gullible ignorant people like you have been making environmental policy largely based on hysteria created by ridiculous Hollywood Horror Flicks such as the movye "The Day After Tomorrow."

    It is time for the responsible adults to take over and start making the policy in this area instead of gullible people like you, who do not know what they are talking about.

    Recently the policy makers in this area have treated Global Warming as if it were the only priority and have ignored the consideration of what high gasoline costs do to a family's budget.

    We need to reorder our priorities to place a much higher priority on the financail heath of our families and less priority on Global Warming.

  6. They have.

    There's a lot less controversy about this is the real world than there is on Yahoo answers:

    And vastly less controversy in the scientific community than you might guess from the few skeptics talked about here:

    EVERY major scientific organization has issued an official statement that this is real, and mostly caused by us.  The National Academy of Sciences, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Institute of Physics, the American Chemical Society, the American Geophysical Union, the American Meteorological Association, etc.

  7. Oh really?? Thank you for sharing.

    Oh - and btw... Elvis is alive and selling bottled water in the Sahara Desert.

    That whole 'global warming' c**p makes as much sense as watering your lawn on a rainy day.

  8. I used to think that Global Warming was a real scary thing and it was real and happening, and it could be the end of man kind and WHY THE h**l ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT. But now I am not sure. If you look at the big picture, our carbon emmisions are causing the earth to warm up yes, but also it is causing greater freak weather, and increase in algae growth plus more and more changes on the earth that actually take carbon emmisions out of the atmostphere. I think the earth is in a balance, and when it tips too far one way, it trys to get itself level again. The only problem is we have to site out the ride in the earths proccess of putting things right. There is a real problem of energy supplies running out which over millions of years would be replaced, but we need it know, so it is still important to find an alternative enery source and recycle.  (But perhaps we should take global warming seriously just in case, better to be safe than sorry)

  9. GLOBAL WARMING IS FAKE MORON!! CO2 Dosent even do any thing its water vaper you idiet! Oh ya the poler ice caps Antartica has the most ice in recorded history stom waching NBC and Algore and  stop being an idiet!

  10. Whoever says that global warming isn't a problem needs to go spend sometime outside haha.

  11. If you read the back of "The Book", (The Bible: Revlations); the earth will be burnedwith fervent fire with or without global warming--nothing (or no one) can prevent that from happening.

  12. Don't you think it's time the world quit falling for the propaganda the media is feeding us? Global warming is real, but we didn't cause it and we can't fix it, no matter how much we cut down on energy usage. The planet goes through a heating and cooling cycle over about 800 years. We are in the natural heating cycle now. We have had higher temperatures in the past, and higher CO2 levels in the atmosphere even before the industrial revolution. As the planet naturally heats up, the oceans release CO2, that's where it's all coming from! Not from us! 95% of it comes from the oceans! Raised temperatures cause raised CO2 levels. If everyone keeps believing this rubbish of global warming being our fault from using cars and electricity, governments and big companies can raise taxes and prices. It's all a load of c**p that the government is making money off from new taxes because of global warming. The ice caps aren't melting either! They are just moving, as they will freeze in a new location in a few hundred years! So look at the facts before you promote more rubbish about global warming on Yahoo Answers, we didn't cause it and we cannot fix it!

  13. I think you need to take a breath and relax.

  14. With the exception of a few idiots the world has woken up to the fact that global warming is real and being caused by us (along with probably harmful).

    Though it doesn't have much to do with the ozone layer (although that is a good example of the success we can have at solving environmental problems without economic impart).

    The biggest problem though is that whilst nuclear power can solve the problem with the large source (electricity production) people are still wasting time and money on wind and solar which are almost useless (since they aren't reliable enough to replace fossil fuels).

  15. I think you and yours will have an executive administrative order signed declaring the "crisis" over.  Sir , your fried hamburger theory would play better to a bunch of fifth graders who realize their grade depend upon agreeing with your utterances.  If your top secret global warming thesis is correct, the problem is self limiting a few hundred million of us will die and the earth can repair the damage caused only by humans.  We do not care about Global Warming.  It is not established as a scientific fact without a peer review and discussion, which the Hollywood scientist and the liberal political community has prohibited

  16. Politicians worry more about the economic effects of reduced productivity of polluting factories than the health of the environment. The economy goes in cycles - it will go up and down, maybe for a short duration (in years, like the Great Depression) in a economic downturn to recover, but if the environment goes down the toilet, it will take many years (decades? centuries?) to recover to health. The economy and humans in it won't matter when the environment is uninhabitable.

  17. global warming!!!! bring it on. i am sick to death of all this rain and bad weather so warming must be good. i would wish nothing more than for it to be sunny 365 day a year lol :)

  18. Global Warming is not a Doomsday  Prophesy  it is a wake up call.  The first thing we need to do is help make some changes in our national mind set from one that lets us believe that our earth can recover from anything, to one that lets us believe that our earth could use a little help.

    Developing cleaner ways to produce electricity is not going to hurt a thing, if it doe’s nothing but make the air we breathe cleaner it works for me.

    Developing  alternative fuels to power our transportation needs , again won’t hurt a thing, reduce the demand for oil you reduce the price we pay  for it, I think everyone can say “that works for me” to this.

    In our everyday life one of  best ways  to help focus your mind set  in the right direction is to say to yourself each morning, “Today I will do no harm to the earth” I do this it works, I find myself doing little things that in the long run enriches my life, again it don’t hurt a thing.

    I could go on about this all day but I won’t. I’m a global warming  advocate but, not because of some unfounded fear of  Doomsday but (as you may have guessed by now) because it won’t hurt a thing to help our earth recover from  years of  industrial plunder.

  19. Actually, the hole in the ozone is closing.

    And global..yes GLOBAL temps are dropping this year.

    Global temperatures rise and fall naturally.  You need to stop drinking the democratic koolaide...just say no.

  20. I'm with you an.

    After 10 years if we don't act seriously we are done.The point of no return.

  21. polar regions have climbed down on to us and just now are beging to climb back up ice is melting because of earth cycles millions of years ago it was hotter on average that it was today we are about in the middle for adverage temp over billions of years

  22. i totally agree with you. everyone thinks that one person cant make a difference but i disagree. im a huge recycle freak and it urks me that ppl use things that arent safe for the enviornment.

  23. In the past couple of decades we've done a lot to clean up our environment and keep it clean.  Better gas mileage in cars, more efficient home heating, less manufacturing pollution, better use of resources.  Reforestation (one in for one out is the rule here), more environmentally friendly cleaning products and farming methods, and strict laws forcing better disposal of dangerous goods.  I don't think we're giving ourselves enough credit for what we've done which, for anyone as old as me, is noticeable.

    But I'm against spending trillions of dollars on useless technology to chase ghosts.  The earth's warming and cooling trends are normal and natural and we shouldn't be so actively concerned about global warming or whatever they call it these days.

  24. Yes!

    And fortunately for the environment, people are doing so by force. They are driving less but driving more environmentally-friendly vehicles. Solar and wind technology are now becoming more viable.

    All in all, the environment is winning

    Go Al Gore!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Hey Lance.  Take a deep breath, buddy.

    It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of YOU.

  26. I am with Mike and Sunshine on this one...  Emma, you need to go back to your hair dye and check the label....  The only one who should shut-up are those that HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!

  27. I think the world is laughing at us because we say global warming is real, I think they are right to laugh

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