
Do you think its time to bring back fox hunting

by  |  earlier

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we walk allot and we are finding more and more injured foxes that have been shot or poisoned

when they had the hunts they died in a few seconds surly its better than the slow deaths they have now




  1. not to worry, i just reported all those vegan hippies and im assuming u live in the UK and yes they should but ur government has gone insane

  2. What evidence do you have that they have been shot ? most will have been hit by a car or somesuch. Believe me, not many foxes are walking around after a .223 or 243 up the chuff.

    Yes, bring it back there are too many of the verminous little sods.

    Pretty though they are !

  3. I wish the Americans would keep their noses out of our business.

    Guns in the UK banned, police state - Shut up!! Ok rant over.

    Indeed it is time to bring traditional fox hunting back. I always support my local hunt as do many in my area. The boxing day hunt has a turn out in excess of 1000 people. With public support like that we should get it back.

    As much as I like an evening with the rifle I don't wish to take all the sport from the hounds.

    Note lose talk about poisoning and poorly shot foxes only gives ammunition to the tree hugging trash. Unless you carried out a postmortem how could you tell they were poisoned? As for shot foxes I can only assume some idiot shot the fox with 24g No 7.

  4. They ought to. I guess you live in police state UK. But you can't own guns in the UK, how are you going to hunt? Now I hate your government as much as I hate the liberals who would do the same to my country but your gov. has lost it's mind. But this is if you live in the UK. It seems that people answering here are bleeding heart liberals, "humanitarians", cowards, or have been brainwashed into thinking hunting is bad by your c**p media.

    "Hunting is barbaric" Then stop eating meat. We call that a hypocryte. And if your a vegetarian there alive too. So enjoy this tasty rock.

  5. There needs to be a total ban.  It may take seconds once the dogs get hold of them, but they've still run the terrified creatures to exhaustion before they get to them.  How anyone can call this "sport" is beyond me.

    I'm gobsmacked at all these sick b******s who think it's ok to chase down an animal and rip it to shreds with dogs.. maybe we should bring back bear baiting and c**k fighting too?  I'm no lefty vegan hippy and I grew up deep in the countryside, riding horses, but I'm sure as h**l against animal cruelty - this government has got an awful lot of things wrong but at least they've taken a small step into modern life by making it a little more difficult for people to participate in the barbaric practice under the thinly veiled pretext of "sport".  Anyone killing an animal just for sport (ie, not for food) has some serious issues.

  6. Personally fox hunting should be brought back it might not be the best way to solve a problem but it created enjoyment out of a job that had to be done anyway. Also fox hunting is part of our culture and like everything else some big cheese comes along and tells us we can't do this anymore because of some right or another.  

  7. no its banned

    and should stay that way

  8. yes bring it back

  9. h**l no!

  10. No definitely not.  Hunting is barbaric, they're ripped apart by dogs which is often a slow&painful death not one thats over in a few seconds.

  11. No.   They do little harm.   Sick people chase them with hounds and horses.    

  12. its never been 'totally' banned. it still goes on. what are these townies on about ? barbaric? get a life!

    i love it!

    i'd shoot them day and night.

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