
Do you think its time to stop taking care of the world and spend our tax money on bridges,schools and the Amer

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Bridges falling, politicians deadlocked, nobody knows where all the money is spent, foreign aid is a joke,isnt it about time to take care of Americans first?




  1. I think we should pull all the troops hope, nuke the entire middle east including Israel etc, give illegals 48 hours to get out or die, stop feeding those that do not contribute to the country, transfer medicaid/medicare to working poor and round up kill all welfare bums and homeless.  Stop all food, meds etc from going to anyone who is not legally here and positively none to go to any other country on earth, s***w them.

  2. With the disaster that just happened here in Minneapolis I couldn't agree with you more. What I would like to know is.. Why does it take something like this bridge disaster to make the government all of sudden realize that money should have been spent to inspect and repair many bridges across America? Politicians need to start spending money here instead of sending money to other countries first. Seems as though it always takes something bad to happen for them to take action.

  3. You better believe that I do!!!

  4. Democrats have been trying to pass a bill that will give welfare to Illegals.Vote Republican.Its a vote for Americans!

  5. Think the US should take care of it's domestic priorities first no doubt. But that is United Statesian concerns not American issues otherwise we will be building bridges all over America in Bolivia or Nicaragua with United Statesian tax dollars.


  7. It's long overdue!

  8. it's time to stop interfering with the rest of the world (if you think you're 'taking care' of it you're mistaken) and yes, to spend your tax money on your own country. Get out of Iraq and the other places you meddle with on a regular basis, and start to grow a healthy, moral, country that has respect for others and that grows its own wealth rather than stealing it from other countries.

  9. Tax money is already spent on bridges it called a gasoline tax. The bridge falls uner the authority of the Minnesota dept. of transportation. Schools are bought and paid for by property taxes. both of which come from your state, not the federal government. Heres a novel idea, stop wasting state money on illegal aliens, and abortions, and fix your roads and bridges.....

  10. Each State has a gasoline tax for the purpose of road and bridge maintenance. If you don't like the results in a particular state complain to that states government. To blame it on the foreign aid we give or the war on terror is ludicrous.

  11. Its time to stop stealing my tax dollars and spending it on other people around the world and in America.  What gives Washington the right to take (steal) my hard earned dollars and spend it on social projects they want?  Wealth distribution is wrong, remember our early history we fought against this once.

    I think we should stop spending money on welfare programs that don’t work and put those lazy people to work picking the foods that feed this country.  It’s about time they give something back.  Why do you thing the inter structure is failing?  All the money is being spent on non-sense social programs like welfare and government give away programs.

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