
Do you think its weird of me to go to school now?

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I'm 36 and I just started college(community college) I plan on finishing my associates degree then transferring to a university. Iam a mom of a 2 year old and 2 teenagers. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just being ridiculous, I rarely see other people my age at my school, well,except the teachers.




  1. If you are serious ,be all you can be! Nothing is worse than letting your dreams die without a fight. Someday you will be old and worn ,and you can do 1 of 2 things : " Gee , I'm glad I pursued education ,I had a great life in medicine ,law, engineering ,etc ., and no regrets with how my time was spent. OR,( and I have seen these regrets ,firsthand) shoulda ,woulda ,coulda been doctor , lawyer ,indian chief ,etc. with only days or weeks left to live , and what did you live for? Don't give up on your dreams and don't let anyone talk you out of it either. P.S. If you don't have a plan for you ,believe me , someone else does.  

  2. No, it's never too late. Besides your only 36, meaning you have almost 30 years before your eligible for Social Security, if it lasts that long, so you might as well.

    And don't worry if you don't see many students your age, just continue to reach your goals.  

  3. Getting a college education - at any age - is never a bad thing!  

  4. not at all!!! your doing whats best for you and your family!! age has nothing to do with it.

    and FYI: im in college and there are plenty of people that i have had in my classed and they are at least 45+ worries, just do what you have to do!!!


  5. Congrads!!! That's wonderful.Not only are you pushing ahead with your education your also giving a wonderful role model for your children.Best wishes and good luck!! =)

  6. if thats what you have to do to get the carerea you want go for it lifes to short to worry!

    but if your just going to go yes i think that would be a little bit silly as am guesing your going to have to give up your jo?

    the things your going to have to think about is?

    Can you afford it?

    Will it help you go the step futher your aiming at?

    And how will it benifit your children being away al day?

    Hope i helped

    sarah x

  7. I think it's great. Good for you!

  8. I'm 39 and I just finished two Bachelor degrees, which I started at 35. I have two teens and a pre-teen. There were usually one or two other older students in each class, and I ended up becoming friends with some of my instructors. I also learned to get to know the younger generation, which was really cool. I actually understand what they are thinking, why they are acting the way they do because I've been surrounded by them as peers for the last four years. They really are worth getting to know.

    It's the best thing I ever did, now I'm doing something I love.

  9. Are you crazy.  There are plenty of women older than you finishing up their high school diploma and then starting college.  

    I'm in my thirties and I still attend college.  I was in a class last year with a woman in her late fifties.  You are never too old.

  10. people study at all different ages now, if you have the opportunity and its what you want GO FOR IT!!!

    Im studying and im 30, but im actually one of the youngest in my class!

  11. I am 33 and a mother of a 5 year old.  Two years ago I went back to school at a community college, and last year transferred to a large public university.  The challenges are many, and yes, there are not many older students in undergraduate classes and the like, but it is not unheard of, and most people are very helpful and supportive.  I did at times feel like I was everyone's mother, even though I was only 15 years older than the freshman!  And, yes most of my profs were my age or younger, but either way they tended to be very appreciative of my age and experience.  Just remember why YOU are there and know that you are not weird, you are getting an education and that is a wonderful thing no matter how old you are.

  12. Not at all, I will take classes, too. My friend is older than you and me and she is taking classes at the community college, too. I had a friend in Germany, whose grandma studied in the university at 87 years of age.... just for fun.

  13. You rock!!!  Way to go Momma!!  You are setting a wonderful example for your children, keep on keeping on!  Are you taking night classes?  There are lots of older adults in night classes.  When I was in college (community) there were men and women in their late 40s, 50s, and 60s even seeking an education!  It's great!  Congrats!

  14. nope...people always go back to should pursuit what makes you happy....dont worry about being more mature...

  15. Hey I say go for it...It's never too late and It would be a wonderful experience apart from the knowledge part...

    You are an unique individual and definitely common things don't suit you...

  16. Don't be ashame to go back to school.  I was 24 years old when I was in high school.  Before I was accepted, the adminstration people were so afraid that I might influence my classmates by coming to class with make ups and lipsticks.  I ignored them for what I need was to educate myself only.  And when graduation came, they were the ones who begged on me to wear makeups which I never did up to now. I graduated in college at the age of 42 for I was a working student then.  

    So, don't ever think that age will hinder your desire to get proper education.  Good luck and GOD BLESS!!!!!

  17. Hey i'm 23 and I gone back to school myself. Other womens my age are long done with school. So there is nothing wrong or weird of going back to school just become your 36. I see people way older then you go back to college. Its like the saying goes..Your never too old to learn new tricks.

    So go back to school, its a wonderful thing of what your doing.  

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