
Do you think its wrong for The Boy Scouts of Philadelphia to ban openly g*y scouts and scoutleaders from?

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  1. I think there is something wrong with being  discriminatory, but no they are a private organization.

  2. Does the Boy Scouts of Philly accept government money?  If they do, then they should not exclude g**s from their membership.

    If the Boy Scouts of Philly funds their own club, then they are free to be as narrow minded as they like.

    People who treat g**s as some foriegn entity that is trying to infiltrate the population have mega issues.

    Anyway to answer your question: depends on who funds them- if they are a private organization they can choose who to accept and who not to.

    Other clubs that do not accept openly g*y folks include:

    The KKK

    The Southern Baptist Convention

    The George Bush fan club (just kidding... I think)

    and so on.... You do kind of get the point I think.

    I would be curious to see how many 'straight' scout leaders are also Catholic priests.

  3. I think it is wrong. They can choose to accept only guys, not only hetero guys.

  4. The Boy Scout association is generally affiliated to the Church so has strong moral and religious values.   It could be that the parents have expressed concern over g*y Scout leaders and it is ultimately up to the parents to decide how their children are raised and what they want to 'protect' them from.

    I would never discriminate against g*y people simply because of their sexuality, and I believe they have a right to do whatever they want - in private.  However,  I do still feel that parents have the right to decide who has care of their children and who has influence over them at a vulnerable age.  

    It will be interesting to see if Scout numbers rise or fall over the next couple of years.

  5. No this a correct and sensible approach to this problem .

  6. Hi, I am from UK so this is the first time i have heard this news. My reaction when i read your question, was to think Why!!!   just because someone is g*y, does not mean that they are a danger to children, they are not going to flout their "preferences", and if they are honest about being g*y, and pass all the police checks that everyone no matter what "preference" they have should pass. Then there should be no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to be a member.

  7. What do you mean by "openly"?

    I don't want to know about people's sexuality - what they do behind closed doors is their business.  They can be as "g*y" as they like, as long as it isn't rubbed in my face - or my children's face.

    It depends, I suppose, on the circumstances.  I don't think homosexuality should have any bearing on the case, but I do wonder what "openly" actually means.  I expect all scout leaders to behave with discretion and respect for the children.

  8. NO! i think that is total discrimination!

  9. Latest figures released show a marked increase in the spread of HIV between homosexual men.

    Is it right that we should integrate this type of person into the lives of the younger generation ?

    Is it right that school children should have this gender forced into the education they racieve at school?

    Is the increase in homosexual activity accelerated by forcing young people to accept that type of person into their midsts and for the younger generations to be forced into accepting them and their sexual perversions as a normal way of life?

    I believe one of the answers above me has it right. They should be allowed to do what they llike within the confines of their own homes, however, what they do and how they do it and their distorted view of family life should not be foistered onto the rest of society

    Look at the thumbs down, just goes to show that there are a shed load of homosexuals and lesbians on this site or relatives of the same.

  10. yes i think it is wrong its discrimination in the biggest possible way and they should be sued to death .......this is the 21st century for god sakes ..BEING g*y IS NOT A CRIME ...and by the way im a straight man!

  11. The are a private entity and can set the rules and regulation in their own club.

  12. Yes I do think it's wrong from what I know of g*y men they are not the type to abuse children, you'll find it is so called normal men not g*y who are abusers of children. I have never heard of a g*y man doing something to a child. I would be happy to leave my grandchildren in the care of a few of the g*y men I know as they are good people. If you look at all the stories of abusers most are married or in a relationship and are supposed to be alright or in fact as it is common now that many a priest has abused children and I wouldn't trust them with a child under any circumstance, I'm catholic but not practising also from what I know of the g*y men I do know they are very private regarding their sexuality.

  13. I don't think it's wrong

    Young boys should not be exposed to g*y men - it's asking for trouble.

  14. Yes, let them go and form their own clubs. After all we have them here for lots of different g*y assosciations. Parents would not let their children meet with g*y scout leaders and besides which how on earth would they pass the care of juvenile exams?

  15. I consider it a hate crime, it's a gateway to discrimination, and teaching young minds how to hate.  It feeds the misunderstanding that to be g*y, is to be a predator, a child molester.  These archaic rules need to be abolished, every parent should say no to allowing their sons to be a part of this organization. Unfortunately that will not happen, and any parent that stands up to these people will be tagged as g*y. It sickens me that in a world that fosters so much hate we can allow and encourage the continuation of a group that may as will be named future skin heads of America.

  16. Being g*y is no crime but having it paraded infront of you and being taunted for by the the more militant element is wrong.

  17. My first reaction was yes BUT!!! thinking about it, the whole idea of Scouting as started by Baden Powell was that the scout movement ment that it was open to all boys (girls later) just because a Scout leader is g*y doesn't mean that he is interested in little boys, obviously as with all adults they are police checked.

    I think its blatant discrimination. There must be a law there that would not allow them to do that. If it was a woman there wouldn't be an issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    just my opinion

    sorry just read your answer kevina p teach me to read other answers HA HA

  18. Morally they are wrong of course but as a private organisation they may be free to do so - I don't know US law. But let's be fair we are talking about America afterall so all common sense goes out the window. Christian do gooders will always be bigoted no matter what.

    Maybe they should just go off and setup their own g*y Scout troop? [shrugs] I'm not g*y but I'm pretty sure that being being g*y does not equate to being a paedophile.

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