
Do you think its wrong?

by Guest34126  |  earlier

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me and my h2b are getting married next july we only have a small budget but i want my close friends to be my bridesmaids so do you think its wrong for us to ask them to pay towards there dress and there hair because i think two of them might not be impressed. plz help????




  1. As far as I know, brides maid are already suppose to buy their own dresses. At least that was the case for a few of my friends who got married. I think that you can get a group discount on your hair, since there will be a few of you getting your hair done that day. That way they wont pay full price.  Trust me, weddings are expensive and you're friends should understand the budget issues. Just don't forget to thank them and get them a little something in appreciation.

    Congrats on the marriage!

  2. i think it is bridesmaids paid for their stuff the dresses they had were not very expensive and i knew the person that did the hair and makeup so we did not have to pay for that...if they do not like it that is there own loss

  3. It's not wrong.If they volunteer to be one,they should know they may be paying for their dress and getting their hair/makeup done.

  4. Not at all. I'm being a bridesmaid in November and buying my own dress, and when the bride from that wedding is my bridesmaid next july she is paying for her own dress. YOu should only pay for the dresses for your immediate family. If they arn't happy with it i wouldn't want them to be bridesamids anyway!

  5. I don't know I am understanding your question correctly, but my bridesmaid's paid for their own dresses, hair, makeup and shoes.

    I've been in 5 weddings and paid for all of mine too, and one of my dresses was $300.00 but it was what the bride wanted.

  6. yes it is wrong.

  7. I've been a bridesmaid 5 times now, and have discovered that every wedding is different!

    1st time - paid for hair/make-up myself

    2nd time - paid for shoes and jewellery

    3rd time - paid for dress, shoes, hair/make-up and even food!

    4th time - paid for dress and shoes

    5th time - paid for shoes

    I've never felt offended at all, as it's what the bride wants, and it's not like it's for a stranger, it's for a good friend.  Thankfully, the twice I have paid for a dress, I've been in the position to afford it, but of course this isn't always the case.  If it's for a good friend and I couldn't afford it, I'd just try to compromise & say I'd do my own make-up, & tell the bride my budget to work with.  If they are happy to be bridesmaids, then just ask them to help towards the cost instead of buying you a wedding present.

  8. Every time I hear of a bridesmaid that s paid for their dress they have always complained and been upset. Its your wedding not theirs, why should they have to pay? maybe they can't afford it either. You are disrupting their lives for your day. If you cant afford it why don't you have a casual wedding ? If you want their hair a special way then you need to pay for it, or let them do it they way they want it done themself. Your special day should not be at your friends exspence, it not their day its yours.

  9. Bridesmaids usually pay for their own dresses anyway, at least in American weddings.  As the bride your job is to make sure the dresses you pick fit within their budgets.

    If you are requiring them to have a specific hair-do you will have to pay for the stylist yourself.  If having their hair professionaly done is entirely their choice then they pay for it.  It's not fair to force them to pay for extras like that.  letting them do their own is perfectly acceptable.

    If your customs are different and usually the bride buys the dresses then you are going to need to let them know when you ask them of the expenses involved.

  10. I thought bridesmaids always paid for their dress, hair etc.

    If they arent impressed then do you truly want them as bridesmaids?

  11. I don't think it's right to ask participants to contribute: If money's tight, spend less.

    It's a mistake a lot of people make, if you're worrying how much it's costing, the chances are you're spending too much.

    My wife's wedding dress & two bridesmaids' dresses cost less than £100 altogether when we got married nearly four years ago.

  12. Why don't you have a wedding in the park, and make it casual to everyone. Your pocket won't be affected and you won't upset anyone. Tell your bridesmaids to wear whatever they want and you buy them flower bands for their hair.

  13. My bridesmaids paid for their own dresses for my wedding as we had a small budget too-i told them they could do their hair however they wanted (within reason) and they were all happy with that.

    If you think your friends wont be too impressed why pick a colour and material but let them have a say in the style-i had one briesmaid in a knee length dress, one in full length and one had a skirt with a slight train. But it looked good cos they were all happy with what they had paid for and i was happy because you could tell they were bridesmaids.

    Good luck and if you need any tips on a having a wedding on a budget feel free to contact me.

  14. There's nothing wrong with that. Bridal party's responsible for their own attire. Keep in mind though, if you're choosing their dresses and hairstyle, you need to make sure that your choices are within their budget. Ask them if they are comfortable with the style, color, and price.

  15. I'ver offered to pay for my dress and hair and stuff.

    If they weren't bridesmaids they'd have to pay for an outfit anyway.

    It would be better if you let them choose their dresses, as long as they fitted in for the day. And even better if its something they can wear again.

  16. well i am no expert on weddings, but if you explain the situation they should understand... if they dont, find new bridesmaids hun

  17. Bridesmaids usually pay for their own dresses and hair styling anyways, so if you ask her to be in your bridal party she will probably assume she will be responsible for it anyway.

    One thing you should keep in mind when picking out the dress is the cost though, because she might be on a tight budget too, and some bridesmaids dresses can be pricey.  Maybe just give them a specific colour/swatch of fabric and have them pick their own dresses that are that colour.  That way each of them gets something they like, could possibly wear again and they know they will afford.  Bridal stores tend to be more expensive for bridesmaid dresses.

    My older sister just told us to get chocolate brown dresses for  her wedding in a couple of weeks and my young sister and I found matching dresses for only $73 (!) at a store in the mall. And my older sister LOVES them.

  18. The bridal party is responsible for paying for their attire, includes dress and shoes, and styling their hair and any other personal effects.

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