
Do you think joe biden is the best choice for the vp nomination?

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as far as i have heard and know it was the best choice out there but i am unsure joe biden seems decent but if you could share your excitement or worries about the choice please do




  1. Sure, safe choice because he's not 'quite' as bad as most DC insiders but is still a sell out, just like the rest of them.  He has his share of dirty laundry, just like the rest of them.  So based on that, I say ... HO HUM!

    Research him closely when you get the chance.

  2. Joe has lots of experience but isn't part of the Washington insiders. He has created great legislation and has good solid values.

    Edit: My, my what passes for arrogance in the Republican mind.

  3. Only if you are a far far left liberal.

    Even with all of Obama's charisma, the Democratic party has somehow nominated the most liberal candidate they could find.

    They are far far removed from the Democratic party of old.  JFK would not recognize today's Democrats.  The only old school Dem left was Lieberman.  He was booted out and he endorses McCain.

    It is really hard to understand how they say they want to win an election when the put out far left candidates.  Come election day that American people will most likely not vote the majority to an unknown commodity or one they see has too far left  

  4. Yes, the best I see so far because of his years of experience in Washington.

  5. yes because he is an old guy - so they can't use that against mccain as a reason not to be elected

    it seems obama had the sense to find someone to show him how to do the job

    but not enough sense to select the best candidate to get him elected - hillary clinton (makes you wonder about his lack of confidence to run with such a strong woman - frightened of her showing him up)

  6. Biden has an extremely offensicve personality.  So much so, that he will turn people off and make it hard for them to see past his arrogance.

    I heard a clip the other day of a reporter asking him a question and he responded by saying" I bet my IQ is higher than yours"  He went on to talk about his college credits his many degrees and his class rankings, and ended by saying that he would be delighted to sit down with that reporter and discuss whose IQ is in fact higher.

  7. No, he does address one of the weaknesses of Obama. However Hillary should of been chosen that would of unified the party.

  8. Joe Biden was my first choice.  Glad Barack listened.

    Bill Richardson would have been decent, too.

  9. You heard right-they had to find someone and since he can be on Del ballot for senate he'll still have a job.

    Yup he was the only choice

  10. Assuming VP stands for Vice Plagiarist, yes.

  11. Senator Biden was an excellent choice for the VP nomination.  He not only understands the plight of the middle and struggling classes, but he brings a deep insight and knowledge about foreign policy.  The only problem with Biden is that he sided with the credit card companies during the vote on bankruptcy legislation.  

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