
Do you think joe toree should stay with the dodgers?

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or go back with the yankees i think he should stay thay have been doing good.=]] but he does not show any expression!!!




  1. He not that type of guy im mean hes a great personallity but he should stay with the dodgers the Yanks Screwed him thats why i'm not a NYY fan Go Sox Now!

  2. Yes he should. There's not a lot of pressure on him to win now and the team has a lot of young promising talent that is getting better daily. It's a great situation for him to be in.

  3. joe is under contract and one thing about him is he honors his commitments. That said, even if he were to get fired (unlikely) he would not go back to new york, at least this year. Maybe in the future, but not anytime soon. Besides, as bad as the dodgers have played this year, they are still in the hunt and we all know in the short-series playoffs, anything can happen (look at colorado last year). So, joe will stay and as a yankee fan, i'd love to see a yankee dodgers series and new york would give joe a standing O. (And thats the way joe is, very little outward emotion).

  4. Well iLove Torre , he does not  show expression , he has always been like that  but i know he can handle a clubhouse

  5. He should go back to the yankees, but i dont think its going to happen, even though the yankees need him, hes not going back, he likes L.A too much

  6. He won't go back to the Yankees any time soon because Joe Girardi would never back out of his job. I know, when he was the Yankees manager, he would always just sit on the bench expressionless!

  7. He can't just "Go back with the Yankees" anyway. He will stay in LA and try to make that team a legit contender over the next few years.

  8. In case you didn't know which apparently you don't, managers don't get to just pick what team they're going to manage.

    Going back to the Yankees isn't an option for Torre.

    Everyone is now realizing what a supremely average manager Torre is. He was for 15 years before he took over an all star team and is now that he's done with them.

  9. I can see him going back to the Yankees...

    but it wont happen

    Torre Is happy in LA becuase his family is there and the divison is not that tough

    Look for him to stay in LA

  10. yes. i'm tired of all this firing. Dodgers need stability like the good old days.


  12. He needs to go back to the Yankees.

    I miss him there.

    But there is no way in h**l he'll ever go back to the Yankees after the way they treated him last season.

  13. Trust me,Joe knows what he's doing.

    He was with the Yankees for 12 years,making post-season EVERY year with them.Lost 2 world series,and won 4 of them with NY Yanks.

    He has no expression cuz that's his game face =]

  14. yes he is experienced and one of the greatest. he will help the dodgers in the long run

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