
Do you think johan will be traded in the future or will he be honored by his coaches,fans,and teamates?

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Do you think johan will be traded in the future or will he be honored by his coaches,fans,and teamates?




  1. NO WAY

  2. Franzen is going to be a Wing for a long time to come.

    ZZZ:  Stop it your getting me all excited with the talk of Miller coming to Detroit.  I loved MIller at MSU and would love to see him in Detroit.  If Buffalo lets him go though I think the fans might burn down the stadium because their team has let their entire team go.

    ABCDEFG: The same dead things that won the cup?

  3. I am assuming you are talking about Franzen.

    He has a year left on his contract, and I think he will be a restricted free agent (correct me if I am wrong) after that, so I am guessing he will be in Detroit for a while. Detroit usually has a knack for hanging on to their draft steals.

  4. I think most of Detroits line up will be sticking around for awhile and not passing the salary cap. Only people i don't see sticking around in the future are





    Possible MCCarty

    Lilja who coughs up a lot of turn overs to make room for young Defensemen Ericson.

    Goalie situations, Ozzie has starter of course

    Jim Howard isnt that great

    They did sign a sweedish goaltender, a young one so who knows. A lot of rumors about Ryan Miller from Buffalo going to Wings has back up but he is a number 1 goalie.

    Expect changes in Montreal for goalie, Oleg Kolzig wants to be elsewhere, Montreal?  

    Colorado needs to make a lot of changes.

  5. I'll puke if I have to see Ryan Miller in a Detroit Dead Things jersey. Yuck.

  6. Why would Detroit put Miller as a _backup_ to Osgood?

    Miller didn't have a great year, but he was a large part of making a Sabres team that was mostly devoid of start players get to the Eastern Conference finals the year after the lockout.  He puts up with a lot of high quality shots because of a defense that offers a ridiculous amount of giveaways in front of the net.

    Osgood puts up decent numbers for a team that only allows an average of about 18 shots per game.  Zetterburg and Datsyuk will probably net 3 or 4 as well, so he can let in 2 of those 18 and still get the win.

    Miller works for his wins.  Wins simply come to Osgood.

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