
Do you think john mc cains choise for vice president was irresponsible, and would you like a amn like that?

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to be your president?




  1. I CAN SHOOT AN AK-47.


    Plus, out of 10 Alaskans, I have an 88% approval rating.

    (The others are Dems, CURSE THE DEMS)

    I am ready an able to lead. I led my town of Igloos into the 21st century (WE NOW KNOW WHAT ELECTIONS ARE)

    Plus I'm easy on the eyes, and want to destroy Alaskan wildlife. I'm just, I am the perfect candidate ;)

  2. Well, yes - it was pure politics but, at the same time, Gov Palin is a capable woman.  Besides, the degree of irresponsibility is greater when the actual candidate for the Democrats is even less prepared then she is.  

    Yes, I will but only because there is no other rational choice.  Besides, I want change and that isn't going to happen with an insider like Obama.  McCain has proven once and for all that he is the true change candidate.

  3. read The Wise One's she's one hot candidate

  4. No McCain made a Splendid choice with Palin and she will make a Wonderful VP (and future President)! It just goes to show that McCain is a true maverick & genius who picks likewise!


    * has the record of the most beloved Governor in the US by her state (Alaska)

    * is a vocal, huge proponent of American energy independence & Alaskan drilling

    * has actually been leading people for the past several while Obama & Biden NEVER have led anyone!

    * shelved her state's pork-laden Bridge to Nowhere that McCain has ridiculed on the trail

    * will join McCain in fighting hard against earmarks

    * is about as far outside the Beltway as you can get

    * ran on the agenda of stopping wasteful gov't spending

    * is the mother of 5 kids!

    * has had her son deploy to Iraq

    * is for a strong US defense

    * is a widely acknowledged rising star in the Republican party

    * is an ice fisherman

    * is a moose hunter

    * is a small business owner and a lifetime NRA member

    All in all, she's a truly fine leader, citizen and patriot - who truly represents Americana (Motherhood & Apple pie)!

    McCain/Palin '08


  5. Irresponsible? She's going to clinch the election for him, Obama was just checkmated. :)

  6. I think it was just to spite Obama, but Hilary has already said she's still for Obama, so (hopefully) her votes will forward on to him.

    He's only met Sara once, six months before he'd chosen her.

  7. As a Democrat, I'm very happy with his choice.  I don't think Hillary's supporters (even the PUMAs) will be fooled.

  8. Sarah Palin has run a town as mayor & a state as governor how is that an irresponsible choice? What has Obama run or even managed isn't it irresponsible for him to run for president.  

  9. Elections this year + polls = marketing statistics. Sum of it all, another television show rating.  

  10. I could care less who his choice is, my choice is Obama.  

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