
Do you think just because an American citizen marries an illegal their spouse should be able to be a citizen?

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  1. only if it is legit

  2. It's not that simple.  They have to go through the citizenship process just like everyone else; it's just easier to get legal residency that way.  The process can take up to three years.  

    People keep saying that people here illegally should become citizens legally.  This is one way of doing it.  

    So I guess the answer to your question is yes.

  3. yes, the families shouldn't be broken up. with divorce rates at 50% we shouldn't split up spouses who actually WANT to be together.

  4. It would take you a looooong time for do that.  First of all, you will need money saved, then you'll pay for the penalty, because you know the aliens situation in this country.  After you should need to fill some legal forms to get the permanent residence of your spouse.  As I-864, I-765, I-130, I-485 and G-325.

    Then the USCIS will send you a Notice of Action I-797, you will go to have his/her biometrics taken, you will need to wait and then you will get the permanent residence of your spouse, after all your spouse will need to stay at US for 5 years and 1 without leave the country for apply for the citizenship.

    And yes, if the USCIS considered aprove your application, your spouse might be US citizen!!!

  5. how do you think your mom's got her green card?

  6. No. Those who from the start apply for legal entry to the US are the only ones who should be able to become a citizen.

  7. yes, of course

  8. NO, why reward bad behavior?

  9. HECK NO!!!  We don't need those bottom feeders trying to find loopholes in the law and reaping benefits they don't deserve!

  10. At the very least, marriage to an American citizen should allow foreign nationals legal residency.  If that was automatic, citizenship could continue to be applied for like it is now.  This isn't the case now, and residency isn't automatic just because there's a marriage (or even children) involved.

  11. I don't think the spouse becomes citizen right away, they just get green card, thus allowing them to live in America together (duh), so yeah the spuse should have residency, and after that they can/should acquire the citizenship.

  12. No. I don't think marrying a pickpocket makes him legal either.

  13. uhmmmmmm? yeah. In fact, everyone who is a a tax paying person in the usa should. Undocumented people pay taxes, and I know this for a fact...... so they should have the right also.

  14. No.  They married an illegal criminal alien invader, and married or not, that is what they should and do remain being.  That is, until they go back to their own country and apply to come back legally, or the citizen moves back to their spouse's country.

  15. Absolutely not! Too many people are exploiting marriage as a way to gain citizenship.

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