
Do you think kids are born with their destiny already within them?

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my five year old son came to me today he will be 6 in august and he said to me in his cute little kid voice Momma I need you to buy me a drum set .I said I'm sure you do and i laughed it off .He said mom I really need it I said you don't need it jake you want it .He said No I need to pratice .I said for what He said I'm gonna be a famous drummer when I grow up .I said well thats nice Jake and again I went on about my business. Well he walked away so I thought no more of it .Well at the dinner table he asked for it again.I said to him Jake it's great to have big dreams but a drum set is costly and I don't want to buy it and have it collecting dust in a few months.He said to me Mom I can play it I said well I'll tell you what Jake well go look at a few sets and i'll let you try it out ,see if this is what you really want to do,So the next day I took him please keep in mine this child is only 5 years old . He played it like a pro! And the piano as well.So was he born with this destiny?




  1. Go for it.

    The Kid is blessed.


    WHatever makes him happy go along with his desires.

    See a talent agent.

  2. Many come with an understanding of their place in this life and others have no clue.  Obviously your son was born with a special talent and the knowledge that this had been given to him.  Nurture this in him and you will both be richly rewarded

  3. i believe we have destinies laid out for us and we get to choose which one depending on our choices and our mistakes

  4. Destiny is just a word to describe finishing up in this life what we left unfinished in the last.  Let the boy be what he is.

  5. wow, this is good,my dad used to say if Picasso's' mom ever complained about continuing to buy pencils for her son every week.


  6. I believe that destiny is already programed within us.  So we cannot choose our destiny it is already choosen for us.  Which ever path we take is the one our destiny choose for us.

  7. That's called 'savant'.

    and yes, God builds within each person gifts for them to use. They are meant to be used for the edification of the body of Christ, but everybody has some however they chose to use them.

    God bless you and encourage him to use his talents to glorify the Lord.

  8. go for it seriously, encourage him it'll be great you never know whats in store for him in the future.

  9. Some of your destiny comes with being born.

    You are destined to die. While alive, you are destined to require air, food, shelter...etc.

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